Page 38 of Becoming Super

“Omega Space Station, this is Captain Zackary Cole from spacecraft Lexar, can anyone hear me?”

There was a crackling on the radio and Zack tried again. This time we heard a response, “This is Sergeant Brooms from the Omega Space Station. What in the hell are you doing out there?”

“We are under attack from a Quokiot space vessel. They have sealed themselves to the top of our ship. We would like you to fire when ready.”

Zack’s head whipped up to see mine, “What?”

“Turn the ship upside down,” I barked. “Do it!”

They began to rotate the ship so that we were now the ones on top and the Quoki were the ones closest to the space station.

As the Omega began to open fire, our ship began to shake and thrash about, as the Quoki tried to escape. But we held our course, until finally, we got word from Sergeant Brooms that there wasn’t movement from the other vessel. At this point, all our landing gear had been damaged and we hadn’t the power to bring the craft in safely.

Thankfully we were at a fully equipped space station that was able to capture our ship in its gamma force field and slow our descent to some degree. Sarah didn’t even flinch when we smashed into the landing gate, ripping off the left wing completely from the aircraft.

Her eyes opened as I struggled to stand. She was still tucked safely in my arms.

“Are you alright?” I gasped, holding her far tighter than I probably should have.

Her eyes were heavy, and I knew that she was thoroughly exhausted.

“I was thinking something by AC/DC,” she whispered and then fell back to sleep.

Of course, her theme song.

WE WERE GREETED LIKEheroes; this was always my least favorite part of being a warrior. The only consolation was the tiny blonde creature that was still tucked away in my arms. One of the medics offered to check her over but when I tried to set her down, Sarah’s arms tightened around me like a vice.

I shook my head, “She will be fine.”

We would need to have a debriefing on what was going on out here. It was highly unusual for the Quoki to be so aggressive and to attack not only an intergalactic spaceship but a Zeronian one. It was unfathomable. Our planet could take theirs out with the snap of our fingers. Something wasn’t adding up.

Zack and Heath both passed medical clearance with minimal damages. Some of the rest of our crew wasn’t as lucky. It was with solemn hearts we honored those that had fallen in battle. About halfway through that ceremony, I was wavering on my feet.

“Are you going to put her down?” Zack asked placing a steadying hand on my shoulder.

“Fuck you,” I answered amiably.

He smirked, “Somehow I knew that would be the answer. Take Sarah back to your pod; she was the real hero today.”

I thought that Sarah was dead to the world. She had been lying still in my arms for nearly three hours since our landing. But upon hearing these words from Zack she lifted her head.

“Damn straight I was,” she got out, and then she laughed. It was rusty and slightly painful, and I knew that it cost her. But fuck if it wasn’t the most badass thing I had seen her do yet.

This woman wasn’t just weaseling her way into my heart. She was devouring my soul lock, stock, and barrel.