Zack laughed again, “Sassy, you are one funny little thing.”
I whipped around on Axel, “Ha! I told you I was funny!”
He looked at me like I had a third arm that just started sprouting out of the top of my head. Zack continued to eye us with amusement.
“When do we leave?” Axel grumbled.
“Yesterday, if you both hadn’t been out of commission. This afternoon will have to do instead.”
I had flashbacks of everything that we had been doing yesterday. Axel’s thick cock stretching me far better than any toy on earth. I knew that my cheeks had turned pink and prayed that the guys would think it was because of embarrassment over being sick.
“Can you really burn people with your eyes?” Zack asked in wonder.
I looked at Axel who scowled at me.
“Not a chance, Sarah, you aren’t going to write obscenities on either of our foreheads!”
“That sounds like a story that I don’t want to miss,” Zack rubbed his hands together gleefully.
“Get used to disappointment. If we are leaving in a few hours, Sarah and I need to pack. By the way, where is your imprinted partner?”
Zack shrugged, “I only saw her for a few moments. She hasn’t woken up yet so there hasn’t been any imprinting yet.”
I felt a shiver of dread wash over me. “When did she arrive?”
“Same time you did, Sassy,” Zack said with a wink.
“You don’t seem very worried about her,” I responded with more than a little heat.
He lifted a shoulder in that carefree, what are you going to do about it, sort of way and said, “No reason to become attached if she is just going to die out like the rest.”
“The rest?” My voice was rising and hysteria building in my gut. “How many of us are there?”
Axel tried to motion to Zack to shut the hell up but he either was oblivious or just flat out ignored it.
“Hundreds that I know of.”
“You have stolen hundreds of women from Earth just to let them die if your stupid experiment doesn’t work?”
Axel moved back, clearly leaving Zack on his own.
Zack frowned. “Do you even know how this program works?”
My temper flashed. “Sure as fuck do! You arrogant bastards think you can steal humans from their homes and lives all on the chance that they might carry some stupid gene that will allow them to be a superhero. That’s fucked up, my friend.”
“No,” Zack’s chin clenched, “That is not how it works, and besides the fate of the galaxy rests on this working. I would say that is far more important than any mundane human life.”
“Really should not have said that,” Axel broke in, almost amused.
My eyes flashed, and Captain America’s pretty blonde locks took fire.
“Holy shit, she’s fucking crazy!” Zack screamed. Axel who expected something like this to happen threw a bottle of water at Zack.
Which he promptly poured over his head. It now looked like Zack was sporting a crispy skullet.
“That might blister,” Axel said conversationally as he scooped me up under one of his beefy arms.
I flailed and kicked trying to break free, but Axel was using his mind blocker against my powers. Zack was glaring at me, but I didn’t care; I was too busy screaming out every obscenity I knew at the both of them.