Page 15 of Becoming Super

She blushed, “Nothing.”

I cocked my head to the side, “What?”

“Ass-hat,” she muttered. “I am sorry, I need to control my powers.”

I grunted, in truth, it was already starting to heal because I had grabbed her sorry ass when she tried to escape after she fried me again.

“Are you,” she cleared her throat, “really uncomfortable?”

My eyes closed, and I prayed to every deity I had ever heard of to give me strength.

“Sarah, you asked me to be honest and I told you. I have a raging hard-on that I can’t do anything about because I need to stay connected to you so that you can heal. It’s a simple bodily function that I have little to no control over.”

Sarah nodded. “I could help you with that.”

It was a damn good thing I hadn’t been drinking anything, because as it was I choked on plain air.

“Fuck, Sarah! What? I mean, fuck!”

She looked at me with all seriousness in her face. “I don’t think I am up for fucking, that will need to wait a day or two.”

I literally couldn’t breathe as images of Sarah’s lithe body under mine, over mine, shit I didn’t care where she was as long as I could picture slamming into her.

“Have I shocked you?” She smiled that ultra-feminine look that women get right before they decide to eat you alive. “On earth, we have sex without being in a relationship, it’s called a hookup.”

My vision went red. “You do this? Hookup with random men for sex?”

I would kill them all. As soon as Sarah felt better I would be on the next...

“No,” she blushed wildly, “I have done a few things, but not sex. That is why I think it would be best to wait. But I have done a hand job before. I mean if you want.”

It sounded so clinical; of course, I wanted it. I am a man with a penis, we never turn down invitations unless it is absolutely necessary. Sadly, there was something about her that made this situation absolutely necessary.

“Sarah,” I said gruffly.

“I like it when you use my name,” she slipped in with a shy smile.

I blew out a breath and was about to tell her that we couldn’t do this. Our working relationship was too important. And then her hands brushed against the thin cloth of my undergarment and I hissed.

Taking that as a good sign she cupped my length, eyes growing wide as she got the true understanding of what I was packing. I expected her to turn back and roll away.

However, Sarah never did what I expected, and I was starting to learn that. Her small hand slipped under the waistband and brushed the tip of my cock.

“It’s wet,” she said in wonder.

“I didn’t pee.” I wanted to sound indignant, but it came out more of a moan.

She laughed, “I didn’t think you did. Most guys take longer for precum to appear.”

“Most guys don’t have to haul your naked ass around as you grope them.”

She laughed again, and I felt something swell inside my chest. Before I could analyze it too closely she slid her hand down and took my length with a firm grip. Her hand couldn’t reach all the way around and I noticed the frown on her face.

Sarah being the problem solver that she was stuck her other hand down the front of my pants to help out. My eyes were rolling to the back of my head. She wasn’t a professional by any means, but what she lacked in knowledge she had made up for in enthusiasm.

I placed my hand over hers to show the right pressure and rhythm. I could see her eyes dilate and her mouth pop open and I couldn’t help myself. I had to taste those plump lips. The moment our mouths fused, a rush of adrenaline so strong raced through my veins that I could have moved mountains at that moment.

She tasted of sex and need, and so damn delicious that I couldn’t get enough of her. My hands were everywhere, feeling her perky tits through my tunic and the sweet pink nipples that had beaded up to fine points. She squeezed me harder when I sucked her tongue into my mouth and I almost blew my load.