Page 11 of Becoming Super

CHAPTER 4 – Sarah

“Well, well, well, lookwhat the cat dragged in.”

I turned around to see a woman that looked like she should have been trying out for the roller derby or professional wrestling. Her hair was a bright orange, unlike any color I had ever seen before. I wondered if it was natural but wasn’t brave enough to ask.

“Hello,” I tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, “I am Sarah.”

You know those mean girls in high school? The ones that knew their shit didn’t stink? I had the strongest impression that I was meeting Zeronian’s version of that.

“I know who you are, Human.”

I narrowed my gaze, “What is it with you people and your prejudices against Humans? Isn’t it your creed to fight for all living things in the galaxy?”

Her eyes blazed, and I wondered for the briefest moment if I had a death wish. What in the hell was I thinking talking like that to Zena Warrior Princess? Fuck, one punch and I would be shitting teeth for a week.

“Lay off, Loraine,” Axel came up behind me and wrapped a beefy arm around me.

I tried not to concentrate on how I immediately felt safe, or how right his arm felt. He most likely had tried to reach my waist but because of the height difference, he caught me just above my breasts.

Her face immediately changed to peaches and cream.

What a bitch!

“Nothing to worry about, Axel, just getting to know your new friend. Sarah wasn’t it?”


“Yeah, we are going to be besties now and tell each other all of our secrets.”

She laughed like I had said the funniest thing, and I really started to hate her.

“Not everything, Sarah.” She shot a heated look at Axel. The one that said I know what you look like when you are fucking the shit out of someone.

I didn’t like it, not even a little bit.

My eyes narrowed and the next thing I knew Axel was throwing me over his shoulder while Loraine was screeching. The familiar scent of burning flesh in the air.

A large hand came up and smacked me sharply on the ass. Stupid prick thought he could spank me? Oh, hell no. I leaned down and bit the top of his ass as hard as I could. Granted I couldn’t have done too much damage through the leathers. But the next thing I knew I was being dropped on my head.

“Human!” he thundered, and I knew it was time to get the hell out of Dodge.

I jumped to my feet and ran.

I still wasn’t super familiar with the training center. I could get to the common area and from the gym to our pod. But as I zigzagged through the unfamiliar corridors I found that it was much larger than I had even anticipated.

Axel’s yelling from behind let me know that it wasn’t the time to sightsee. I raced through one unit to another until I finally saw a door to the outside. Suddenly I was desperate to see the sun. I ran up to the door and right before I touched it Axel screamed.

“Sarah, no!”

My body was hit with an electric shock so powerful that I flew back and smacked my head on the wall behind me. Before I passed out I had the fleeting thought that he had finally gotten my name right.

WHEN I OPENED MY EYES, my head was throbbing, and I felt horribly thirsty.

“Axel?” I croaked.

He was beside me in seconds. His face was pale beneath his tan, almost the same shade as mine. It wasn’t a good look for him.

“Are you okay? Goddess, Human, I thought you were dead.”