I nodded, “Yes, but I thank you for your hospitality while I was on your planet.”
Her eyes widened in surprise. I was able to get a good read on the woman. She wasn’t evil, merely greedy and selfish.
A slow smile crossed her beautiful face. “We could have done well together.”
I allowed a smile in reciprocation. “Perhaps.”
Zack’s arm tightened around me protectively and Queen Neopia laughed.
“It would seem that you aren’t as anxious to lose her as you once were.”
The vein in his jaw jumped with his ire.
“I love this woman and would do anything for her.”
Queen Neopia inclined her head in his direction, “It is well that you see the treasure she is.”
When she walked away, I could feel the tension radiating off of him.
“Zack, she means no harm,” I tried to soothe him but then I realized he wasn’t angry with her but at himself.
“I don’t know how you could ever forgive my stupidity,” he ground out.
“Zack,” his eyes met mine and I hated the anguish in them. This man had taught me how to live again. “I love you, Zack. So very much, please leave the past where it should be.”
He clutched me to him and kissed my temple tenderly. “I wish that I could show you how much I love you. I want to have your taste on my tongue, your body on mine...”
Whatever else he had been about to say was cut off when the brilliantly lit room plunged into darkness.
There was chaos as people ran into each other. Nobody’s comms devices were working. The inky blackness seemed to rob every one of their sanity. Zack held me close in his arms, protecting me against those that had started to shove their way toward the exits.
But all exits were sealed. There was no way out and no way in.
“Are you alright?” he whispered in my ear.
“Yes,” my reply was strong. “We need to find Rylee and the others.”
Just then there was a flash of light from the dais. I could see Tantar struggling with the man I recognized to be Mart. There was a dagger gleaming in the light.
Screams erupted from the crowd as they realized that there was more than the hint of danger in the room.
Then suddenly the lights were back on. We glanced wildly at the dais but Tantar and Mart were gone. It was like they vanished into thin air.