CHAPTER 16 – Chloe
The space flight toVolton was rather uneventful. Rylee and Heath took turns blushing at what the other one said, it was adorable. And Zack practiced not wanting to crush Heath’s head in.
Drake continued to act like the frat boy; I had a hard time believing that this guy was the smooth operator that The Head Commander had spoken about. In my opinion, he was brash, rude, and full of himself.
Rafe, on the other hand, turned out to be a pretty nice guy. I liked how laid back he was, taking everything in his stride. We talked a little about the imprinting program; apparently, he was next up on the docket and he didn’t know how to feel about it. It was good for me to see it from his perspective. I had been so angry at Zack for what I had thought he brought upon me. But as Rafe described how he was just informed this would be happening and he had no control over it, it gave me such insight.
It was strange to think that he had that looming over him. Maybe the way it happened to me was better? I was about to die and was given a second chance. Rafe was just living his life and told that any plans he had for the future were now changed, because they found someone to imprint with him.
He had been dating someone, not seriously, he assured me. But even still, the program seemed to take precedence over personal feelings and situations. I knew that I needed to talk to Zack more about it.
So that night I pulled him into our sleeping chambers and rather than attack his body, which I longed to do, I asked him, “Tell me about when you found out you were going to have an imprinted pair.”
He blew out a long breath, “I want to be honest with you. But the last thing I want to do is hurt you, Chloe.”
I smiled, “I know that. I just want to know where you were at with everything.”
“Honestly,” he sighed, “I was pissed. There had been so many screwups before and I didn’t want to waste the time going to pick you up when the chances were you wouldn’t make it. I never wanted to be part of the program, and I think that added to my bad attitude. I am sorry, Chloe. I feel terrible about that now.”
“Where you... dating anyone?” I held my breath, waiting for the bad news.
“Zeus, no! Where would you get that impression from?”
I told him about my conversation with Rafe and the light of understanding dawned in his eyes.
“Chloe, I have been head over heels for you since the moment you opened your eyes. This is probably too soon, but I am in love with you. I didn’t ask for it and didn’t want it. But I am so thankful that I was chosen out of the galaxy to pair with you.”
It was the perfect thing to say.
“It’s not too soon,” I said gruffly. “I am not good with words like this. But Zack, I care deeply about you. I don’t know about love, I have never been in love before. But I know that my heart speeds up when you are near. And I know that I want to lie beside you at night and I feel safe in your arms. But, I have to tell you, I’m scared.”
He nodded, pulling me into his arms, “I know, and I will be here, I promise.”
He gathered me close and held me through the night. The next morning, we arrived on Volton. Several other airships were arriving at the same time for the celebration. We waited in line until it was our turn to land.
The climate here was much different than on Zeron. We had thick boots and heavy winter wear, but that hardly cut through the chill that seeped into my bones the minute we were off the aircraft.
Rylee bounded along with restless energy. She talked to everyone we came in contact with. Thankfully she was just as friendly to the girls as she was the guys. Otherwise, I don’t know who would have had the heart attack first, Zack or Heath.
When we were taken to the palace, we waited until we could be presented to Tantar. The man wasn’t much more than a boy. He even had the first flush of innocent youth on his cheeks. He greeted us warmly and indeed did seem quite friendly with Drake. Maybe there was something to The Head Commander’s judgment there after all.
Tantar asked for a moment of privacy with Zack and when he returned his mouth was grim. We left that room and were taken into a smaller antechamber. At first, it was just our team, but Tantar soon joined us.
“There was an attack on the palace last night. Hooded figures came out of the woods and began shooting poisoned darts at the guests. Thankfully we were able to remove the venom before anyone was seriously injured, but they are getting braver, these rebels.”
“Is Mart here?” Rafe asked with a surprising amount of nonchalance.
Tantar shook his head. “No, he had business with someone, but he should be here today.”
“We have reason to believe he might be involved in the violence.” Zack was completely straightforward with Tantar.
“No!” Tantar laughed, “Mart would never do anything like that.”
“How does he feel about your sexual proclivities?”
Tantar flushed beet red. “I don’t see how that is any of your business.”
I was surprised that Zack was being so forward, but I also felt proud that he was backing up my idea. I felt a surge of strength from him, and as I looked at Tantar I could see danger lurking around him.