I frowned at him. “As you get older your teeth darken with age.”
“No, they don’t,” he refuted.
I knew that it was pointless to argue with the man, but this was something I had spent hundreds of hours researching and literally, thousands of hours educating on. I knew my stuff.
“Yes, there are things that you eat and drink that cause the darkening of the dentin...”
“Let me stop you right there,” he drawled. “First off, I really don’t give a shit. And second, the teeth don’t darken unless there has been inadequate dental care. The products that we use here on Zeron kill all the bacteria and keep the mouth and teeth in perfect condition. Now that I know you had something to do with this dental business on your home planet it makes perfect sense why earthlings are subpar.”
“You are a fucking ass-hat,” I bit off.
How like him to say that I was responsible for the entire evolution of dentistry on earth. Why did I even try?
“You have a dirty mouth,” this time he did smile, “But that would make sense, being from Earth and all, wouldn’t it?”
I wish that I could say I felt bad about what happened next, but the truth was that my pacifist ways were slowly deteriorating the more time I spent with Axel.
He must not have had his guard up, poor soul. I stared intently at his forehead; the words ‘ass-hat’ began to form.
Axel screamed and the smell of burning flesh filled the air. He grabbed the water that he had been drinking earlier and threw it in his face.
I should have felt horrible. I definitely should have acted contrite. But no, where is the fun in that? He caught sight of my grin and dove for me. It had to be a fight or flight moment, because for the first time I was able to move my ass at superhuman speeds. I darted to the other side of the room and almost fell over when I came to a stop.
My heart was pounding, and my skin felt tingly. I glanced over at Axel to see that he was seconds from grabbing me and I darted away once again. His face was pure rage mixed with disbelief.
“All of those fucking weeks in training and now you choose to get your act together?” he roared.
I playfully raised a brow. “Who has the dirty mouth now?”
I went to zap away again and found myself frozen to the spot. Axel blinked as if he was shocked that it had actually worked.
“What did you do to me?” I couldn’t move my body even one inch and the evil grin on his face was scaring the hell out of me. “Umm, I’m sorry?”
Not my best apology, but I was desperate, and he kept advancing until he was right in front of me. He grabbed my arms and lifted me up like I weighed nothing. Our noses were almost touching, but I could not move a muscle.
My heart hammered in my chest and I was sure that he could not only see how terrified I was but also smell it coming off me in waves. He took a deep breath and almost looked pained. I knew I didn’t stink, but he seemed to be offended by my scent all the same.
His gorgeous green eyes glared into mine and my traitorous lady parts began to clench. Axel was way too handsome for his own good. His hair was a mixture of honey and gold strands that he kept in a queue away from his face.
But something must have happened to the small piece of leather because his hair fanned out almost touching his shoulders. I had the strongest desire to touch the strands. No man, especially no warrior, had the right to look so completely fuckable.
Particularly one that looked intent on killing me.
“You are the worst thing to ever happen to me, Human,” he bit off and I couldn’t help the pang of hurt that resonated inside of me.
I knew I wasn’t easy to get along with. And he wasn’t wrong that I hadn’t been trying very hard since I came here. But I hadn’t asked for any of this to happen.
“Looks like we finally found something in common then.”
His eyes narrowed, and I tried not to look at how dark they had become.
“Are you going to kill me then?” I tried to sound nonchalant, but the tremor in my voice gave me away.
He shook his head, our noses accidentally brushing, and I felt the frisson of awareness to the tips of my toes.
“Well, what are you going to do?” I knew I needed to shut up, but there was something about him that made me want to get under his skin. If I was being honest, I liked his reactions. His forehead still looked rather sore where the words ass-hat still resided. His own body would be able to heal itself by morning, but I was beginning to feel bad.
Stupid conscience.