CHAPTER 3 – Sarah
I had burst out laughing, an unladylike snort coming from my nose. From Axel’s scowl, I can tell that he isn’t amused, but that only causes me to laugh harder and snort louder.
“You are a pain in the ass, Human.”
“Are you seriously trying to tell me that we are going to be some secret weapon? You and me? Us? As in the two of us together?”
“Why do you think you are here?” He ground out.
I blinked. “Well, I know about the imprinting and how we are supposed to bring out special powers or some shit in each other. But Axel, I am not a fighter.”
He grumbled something like, you don’t have to tell me that.
But I ignored him. “I believe in talking things out; maybe we just need to have a good open dialog with—who are we fighting again?”
I could tell that he was making a real effort to contain his ire. Axel’s nose flared gently as he took a deep breath.
“The Stavainians’ main purpose in life is to destroy all other living organisms. They do not do,” he made air quotes, “open dialogs. They would just as soon melt your face off than talk to it.”
I wrinkled my nose, “They don’t sound very pleasant. Why are they angry?”
He scoffed, “Because we exist. The Stavainians don’t reason, they are programmed to conquer and leave nothing behind.”
“Are they machines or people?”
He rolled his eyes. “They are evil, that is all that matters.”
“But if we go and kill all of them, and I mean that hypothetically because you know I am a pacifist...”
He groaned.
“If,” I began again, “we try to wipe all of them out, doesn’t that make us just as terrible as they are?”
He stared at me. “You’re right.”
I beamed.
“We should just invite everyone over for tea and cakes. I don’t know why we have been fighting for decades against the Stavainians. I had better go grab a coms device and contact The Intergalactic Council immediately.”
“You are a smart ass,” I made a face, “did you know that?”
“And your intelligence is subpar, I hesitate to even ask what your job was on earth.”
“Oh,” I brightened, “I was a pharmaceutical dental supply representative.”
“You know, the products that your dentists use to help fix your teeth? The real money, of course, is in tooth whitening, but...” I trailed off when I saw the confusion on his face.
“Why would you need to whiten your teeth? What color are they originally?”
I smirked, “White, duh.”
“Humans are so stupid.”
“Hey!” My tone was indignant, and I saw a quirk of a smile pass his handsome face.
“You pay for someone to change your teeth to be the same color you were born with. That is stupid; I am sorry, Human, there is no other way to say it.”