CHAPTER 3 – Chloe
I sat there tryingto take in everything that Betty and Rylee were trying to tell me. There were a few times when the Commander tried to intervene, but the two females railroaded over him. Eventually, he went to the bridge and the ship prepared for taking off.
I am still not one hundred percent sure that I haven’t landed in hell.Despite being rescued I felt a sort of longing for something I don’t understand. It reminded me of when I lost my parents. The deep ache, knowing that you aren’t whole anymore. That is how I feel. Only now my emotions seem to be all over the place.
“Where are we going?” I asked woodenly.
Betty looked at Rylee before answering, “I think we are headed back to Zeron.”
“What about my soul mate? Where is he?”
Another furtive look, and that spiked my ire. “Look, if you are going to lie to me or feed me some bullshit story, I don’t want to hear it.”
Betty looked around the inside of the spacecraft; her eyes settled on a portrait and she went to retrieve it. When she handed it to me I wasn’t sure what I expected, but nothing happened. The man in the portrait was ridiculously good looking in a Captain America, blonde hair blue-eyed way. But I didn’t feel a jolt of awareness, nor did I fall into helpless lust.
Would I bang him? Hell yeah, but I haven’t had sex in a year. At this point, even Betty is starting to look good.
I handed the portrait back. “That is him?”
She nodded. “From what we can gather there was an issue with another human girl and you were left in trade for the first. He had every intention of coming for you, Chloe.”
I raised a hand. “No bull-shit.”
Betty blew out a breath, “I don’t know if he planned on coming back for you. In my heart, I like to think he would. But you have to know that we get thousands of human girls, and as of today we have two that survived the transformation and only one that has imprinted with one of our own.”
“And this is the girl they saved when they left me behind?” I shook my head, not knowing if I should be pissed as hell or to laugh at the irony of it all. Even in space, I get left behind. What a fucking joke!
“We are traveling to Zeron now; it won’t be more than two or three days. Then my husband, The Commander, will go to the war front and find Zack. We only hope that nothing has happened to him. This isn’t like him.”
I controlled the eye roll, but it was difficult. “Are you trying to tell me that you have the technology to steal human girls seconds before death, then reverse stage four cancer, and change our molecular structure so that we are able to breathe in space. But you can’t call long distance? Yeah, I wasn’t hit with the stupid stick this morning.”
Rylee snorted with laughter. “You are funny!”
I looked over at the petite blonde that reminded me of Barbie’s little sister. What was her name again, Rugby, Rally?
“I don’t mean to be disrespectful,” and I honestly didn’t. “Everything is just so crazy so fast. And I feel really strange. My gut is hurting... like I am missing something? It is growing stronger and stronger.”
Betty’s big brown eyes grew larger. “That is not good. I am going to talk to Bryce. Stay here with Rylee and I will figure something out. It’s okay, Chloe, we have you now. I won’t let anything else bad happen to you.”
It was so strange that anyone could have my back. How long had it been since someone truly cared? I was a throwaway; once the cancer had taken over I was written off. But if I am being honest I was written off long before that.
“I don’t know what you are going through,” Rylee said softly, “but I am glad that Queen Neopia contacted Father.”
The girl looked more like her dad and the picture of my imprinted pair. Her hair was honey blonde and her eyes, large and blue. They reminded me of summer, the way the sky looks when there isn’t a cloud in the sky.
She was a beautiful girl, no doubt about it. If I was a betting woman I would say she was a year or two younger than I was.
“How old are you?” I blurted out.
Rylee blinked. “Sixty-eight.”
This time I laughed, “Girl, didn’t they ever tell you, ‘if you are going to lie, at least make it believable’?”
Rylee’s stood putting her hands on her hips. She was a few inches taller than me and slender where I now had my curves again. I stood as well and copied her stance.
“Time isn’t the same here in space,” Rylee’s face flushed, “And lying is for the weak.”
That caught me off guard.