CHAPTER 25 - Sarah
“Sarah, The Commanderisn’t responding!” Kat was panicking and for good reason. She had been on the radio trying to reach someone for over twenty minutes.
“Try your mom again,” I shouted back, as I took out another one of Stanos’ guard. There were several along the route that I immobilized, and we had at least seven more try and board the aircraft after we had arrived.
I certainly have come a long way from the pacifist scaredy cat that I was when I first arrived on Zeron. I still don’t love the violence, but I was more than happy to protect the ones I loved. And nobody was going to come near Kat, Axel, or Heath.
Speaking of which, I wondered what in the hell was taking Axel and Heath so long. It was gnawing at my gut making me feel anxious.
“Kat?” static, “Kat? Is that you?”
“Mom, we are at Uncle Stanos’ and he is firing on us!”
“Kat, slow down,” static, “What is going on?”
“Uncle Stanos is trying to kill us!” I heard the tears in her voice and hated that Kat had been subjected to this.
It pissed me off even further that her uncle had considered her life so invaluable. I was going to kill that mother fucker if it was the last thing I do.
Two more soldiers came into the hangar and I quick disposed of them.
“We have units coming out now, Kat. Stay with Sarah and Axel!”
I felt another pang. Where in the hell was Axel?
And then as if I had conjured him, the door to the hangar was flung open. Axel and Heath were running for their lives with some kind of contraption in their hands. It wasn’t lost on me that both had blood running from various wounds.
“Stay here!” I shouted to Kat and then moved down the boarding plank and began to take out the soldiers that were nearest. “Hurry the fuck up!” I shouted to Axel and Heath and I swear I saw the big guy smile a little.
It was game time.
I threw a fireball at the remaining soldiers and we boarded the craft. Heath went directly to the control panel and started our engines. The only problem was that the hangar wasn’t open. However, I wasn’t about to let that stop us.
“I am going to blow this place up,” I said determinedly.
Axel’s eyes grew wide. “No, you aren’t; we’re still inside!”
“I will place a force field over the plane. We will be inside of the explosion but protected.”
“Do you know how to do that?” Kat asked in wonder.
“Absolutely,” I lied, and Axel glared at me.
I shrugged. “Go big or go home?”
“I just want to be able to go home,” Heath muttered.
Stanos’ men were starting to fire on the aircraft; we didn’t have time to argue and so I did what I had to do.
Gathering all of the energy around into my body, I began to glow, and my hands were fire red. My hair whipped around my head and my heart thudded in my chest. When I felt I had gathered enough energy I turned to where Axel was at the ready to put the door down once again.
I nodded and as soon as I had a clear shot I sent it all flying out of me. It was like we were in the middle of a forest fire. The second after, I created a shield with my mind and held firm no matter how hot it got. And it was hot, just to be clear, fucking hot. My eyes were sealed shut and I concentrated on that shield.
I felt when the aircraft began to move but I kept the shield in place until the heat began to subside. And then the darkness that had been crowding into my consciousness took over and I dropped to the floor, barely hanging on.
“Sarah,” Axel picked me up and held me tight against his chest, “I can’t believe you just did that.”