Page 51 of Becoming Super

CHAPTER 20 – Sarah

Sabine met with usthe next morning. She resembled her daughter a fair amount, but she was darker in complexion and incredibly formal where Kat was more free-spirited.

Sabine also looked like shit. Now, I realize that I am not medically equipped to hand out a diagnosis to the woman, but she looked bad. I was inclined to agree with Kat that her mom was being poisoned, and after speaking with her I wondered if the whole damn planet was being poisoned.

“Our crops are failing and there is no reason why,” she explained. “I have scientists from around the galaxy doing research and they come up empty handed every time. We are losing contract after contract for our product and I fear that soon our people will starve.”

“What Intel do you have on the spacecraft that attacked us? Have they been identified?” Axel questioned.

Sabine nodded. “Yes, they are part of a radical group that wants to overthrow the current government.”

“So, we are dealing with a revolution?” Zack frowned. “I don’t see how a group of radicals would have the funding to access one of Serons’ spacecraft. And why disguise themselves as the Quoki?”

“They wouldn’t have the funding.” Sabine sighed.

Axel tapped his chin. “Unless...”

I grinned. “It all depends who they are in bed with.”

Axel nodded, “Precisely.”

Zack rolled his eyes. “So now that you are life mates everything is going to revolve around your happy union?”

I turned to him. “I could have said it depends on who their fuck buddies are.”

He made a face and I returned the gesture.

“Sarah is right, whoever is providing the funding for them has to have a good reason to want to hurt Seron. We need to discover what that is in order to figure out who they are. I am assuming this radical group is underground?”

Sabine nodded, “Yes, but we do have three other names besides the ones that were killed attacking your ship. It is like they have disappeared off our planet, but I know that can’t be true because our crops continue to be attacked.”

“Who are these people?” I asked.

“Rafe Malone, Akara Malone, and Sean Granthum. The first two are not married, they are siblings. Their father was a celebrated member of our Imperial Guard but was killed in battle when they were younger.”

“Which battle?” Zack asked.

Sabine frowned. “It was when the Terrat attacked in the Omega Quadrant; our planet was asked to provide forces by The Intergalactic Council.”

My hands came up of their own accord, “The same place we just came from? The place that said there was trouble but there wasn’t and then we got attacked, that same Omega Quadrant?”

Sabine nodded. “I don’t know of any other.”

“It’s got to all connect somehow. I swear that Sergeant Brooms has to be at the bottom of it.” I stood up to pace and Zack rolled his eyes in my direction.

“What do you have against Brooms?” Zack huffed.

“Um, like a million things, but most importantly, did you see his eyebrows? They were evil. I could never trust a man with those caterpillar brows crawling around on his face. It’s weird. He’s got to be the bad guy, no question.”

Zack turned to Axel. “Are you seriously going to allow her to malign a member of The Intergalactic Council because of a facial feature?”

Axel looked over at me with that rugged panty-melting smile, before winking and blowing me a kiss. Hot damn, I was ready to scale the table just to get at him.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Axel drawled. “They are a bit creepy.”

I fucking love him, it’s official.

Heath nodded. “Yeah, I agree.”