Page 4 of Becoming Super

CHAPTER 1 - Sarah

“Again,” Axel barkedout as he threw me against the mat.

I slammed into the surface and could swear all my bones were breaking. Fucking asshole was going to kill me, and it looked like he was enjoying every minute of it.

“Get up, Human,” Axel smirked at me, and I tried not to look at his rocking body that was on display. He had taken his shirt off a half an hour ago, when we were sparring, because I had finally caused the Neanderthal to break a sweat.

And from that moment forward I had gotten my ass handed to me.

Don’t judge, you have no idea what it is like to have someone so sinfully delicious with those rippling muscles that look like they belong on a stripper named Hammer.

And his hammer, yeah you could see the massive outline underneath his close-fitting pants. It was indecent, and I was damn thankful for it.

Rising unsteadily to my feet, I tried to get back into position. We had been training like this for two weeks and I had successfully risen from dismal failure to horrible liability.

Axel had been less than impressed with my skills and spent every waking moment berating them. To make matters worse, now that we were imprinted I was expected to live with the man. Sure, I could try breaking the rules, but the longer we were apart the more my body would start to break down and then here is the kicker.

Wait for it...

Yeah, I could fucking die without him. DIE, what kind of idiot would put themselves in a situation where you had to be linked to a jackass or death?

According to Von, Axel knew about this before I came to Zeron. What he didn’t mention was that nobody gave me a choice. One day I was drinking it up and hoping to get lucky with the lads and the next I was fighting Hercules.

Have I mentioned I am a pacifist?

“Come at me,” he motioned with his hands, and I just stared at him.

He growled as if that would scare me into doing what he wanted. Stupid prick, I wasn’t about to run at him. I had the bruises and t-shirt to prove that was a suicide mission.

“Now, Human!”

“So, my name is Sarah.” I began to circle when he stepped toward me. Counteracting his every move so that we were in some kind of bizarre dance.

“Human! You will never learn unless you do as I say!”

I could see anger tinging his features and I felt a tiny fraction of glee in my gut.

“Yeah, Sarah Carmichael, how do you do? I sell dental supply products in Shakopee, Minnesota. And for some reason, you all have ripped me out of my world and expect me to follow every fucking rule that you give me.”

His eyes narrowed, “Cursing is beneath you.”

I rolled my eyes and in that second, he had me pinned up by the neck against the wall. He was so freakishly fast. I kicked with my legs as I felt my airway collapse. Axel wouldn’t kill me, that would harm himself. But he wasn’t above a little torture.

Oh, and the kicker? Since we were imprinted partners, he could put up a mind shield that deflected my powers. It was almost like he could channel mine and I should have been able to channel his.

But I was shit at channeling anything besides Food Network and maybe a little HGTV.

Finally, he released me, and I fell to the ground, gasping as black spots dotted my vision. On my knees, I tried to drag air into my lungs.

“Again,” he barked out.

My arms gave out and I slumped onto the mat face first.

Glamorous, I was not at that moment. Okay, in most moments I wasn’t underwear model material. I come in more of a fun size package. Short, quirky, hair so blond it was almost white; that was all natural, and dark blue eyes almost black.

I was the girl next door meets the Adam’s Family. A warrior I was not; no matter how many times Axel kicked my ass, choked, slammed and pummeled me, I wasn’t cut out for this.

I felt a toe nudge me.