Page 36 of Becoming Super

“I want to train.”

I was able to get the request out in a somewhat audible fashion.

Axel stilled, “Are you sure?”

“How much time do we have before arriving in the Omega Quadrant?”

“A few days,” Axel replied. “You don’t have to, Sarah. Some people just aren’t fighters.”

But that was the very thing about myself that I had been ignoring. Anyone with my sassy mouth, edgy personality and badass attitude should be a kick-ass fighter. I had laser vision for fuck’s sake. I remember being taught in Sunday School as a child, where much is given, much is required.

I had been given an incredible gift, and it was up to me what I did with it.

“We train,” I pulled out of his arms and started yanking my uniform on.

“Now?” Axel wrinkled his brow, “It’s the middle of the night.”

I zipped the front and turned to him, “I am training. Are you coming or not? I am sure I can ask someone else if you are too tired.”

That had him moving.

We went into the training pod accessing the lights and got to work.

Axel had been expecting the old me. But I felt like I had left her behind with the un-named earth woman. I was no longer training and fighting for me, but for both of us. Because like it or not, when we were done with this mission, I was going after her.

I can’t say that I wasn’t thrown against the mat, wall, and sometimes the ceiling. But I got up every damn time.

We trained like that every moment of the day that I could. I got more adept at sensing where the danger was coming from. Soon I could jump out of the way.

Brute force was something I didn’t have, but I was fast and small. I used that to sneak around Axel, to dodge and to evade attacks. It wasn’t until he came at me and I wasn’t expecting it that I shoved my hands forward and bright red light erupted from them holding Axel back.

“What in the fuck are you doing?”

I dropped my hands and he fell to the mat with a loud thud.

“Are you alright?” I raced over to him trying to ignore the pulsing of heat in my hands.

He groaned and turned to look at me.

“I think you are ready,” he gasped.

I grinned at him, “You do?”

His arm swept around, and I jumped over it easily. Axel frowned, “You are getting too good at this.”

I leaned down and kissed his sweaty mouth, “Now you are just trying to make me feel good.”

“I feel like shit,” Axel grumbled.

I laughed, “You have a dirty mouth, not very gentlemanly at all.”

He growled and yanked me on top of him.

“I am proud of you, Sarah. You have learned more in the past few days than you did all the weeks at the training center.”

My cheeks flushed, and I felt terribly embarrassed for a moment which was highly unlike me.

An alarm started sounding and Axel frowned pushing me up.

“What is it?” I asked breathlessly.

“We are supposed to be arriving, but the alarm is signaling we are under attack. We need to get to the bridge, immediately.”