CHAPTER 10 – Sarah
“Well, Zeron, to whatdo I owe this great pleasure?”
It still weirded me out, that the queen of wherever the fuck we had landed, called everyone a Zeron. It was the name of their planet after all.
Axel had given me strict instructions that I wasn’t to talk to anyone about anything at any time. I was supposed to stand next to him and look dumb.
Yeah, I didn’t care for the instructions either.
Apparently, this woman’s name was Neopia and she was the queen of what looked to me like the dump of the cosmos. Axel said that she wanted to keep anything that was of value, so I needed to become worthless, fast.
“Queen Neopia, we have missed spending time in your presence.” Zack gave her a winning smile that did look rather convincing.
“Enough of your flattery, pretty man.” She winked at him as she uttered the admonishment.
I had to admit that I was liking the life-sized Magpie. She glittered with jewels of every shape and size. The diamonds in her ears had to be four Karats and looked to be weighing the skin down a bit.
Her fingers each had rings, and I do mean more than one. But my favorite item she was wearing, besides the metallic lipstick, was a shiny golden trophy as a hat. I could just make out the words World’s Best, but I hadn’t the slightest idea how the sentence ended.
I lost track of the conversation; they spoke of places and things that I knew nothing about. But the feeling of unease was clear even through my rumination. Axel didn’t trust this woman. His hand never once left mine and whenever possible his body flanked mine. It was a clearly masculine gesture of authority and possession, but I found myself not really bothered by it. My inner feminist knew that I could knock him on his ass if necessary, so I wasn’t worried.
I had just begun to daydream about hitting up my favorite nail salon on 45th street when Axel nudged me hard in the side.
“What the fuck?” I grumbled.
There was silence in the room and I noticed a moment too late that Queen Neopia was looking at me as if awaiting my response.
“Huh?” Not my most eloquent, but again, I was supposed to be dumb.
“Doesn’t comprehend much,” Zack said with a rather pained look, “These earth sex slaves are hardly worth what you pay to have them transferred in.”
My mouth opened to retort something nasty and most likely incriminating for all of us when Axel planted his lips right on mine. I fought him for a minute. As much as I liked making out with the beast it wasn’t the time or place. But then he yanked me onto his lap and I felt the growling bulge between my thighs.
I sighed into the kiss and began to respond when he abruptly pulled away.
“Don’t move,” he hissed.
This was all so I wouldn’t talk. It wasn’t because he couldn’t wait to plant one on me.
Stupid prick.
“It’s a shame,” Queen Neopia said with an air of detachment. “A human sex slave would be interesting. But I would at least require that they be able to converse.”
Zack snickered, “This is the lower model.”
That fucking prick was asking for trouble and I didn’t forget grudges.
“Steady, Sarah,” Axel whispered, clearly terrified that I would go off the deep end.
He wasn’t wrong. I wanted to put Zack in his place, but I didn’t want to be captured by the beautiful queen that wore trophies as her headpiece.
I sank into Axel’s arms, so it looked like I was snuggling up to go to sleep. My mouth met with the skin of his chest and I couldn’t help sinking my teeth in just a little bit. I wanted him to know how much I liked their new role for me—not even a little bit.
His hands on my ass tightened almost painfully, but he didn’t make an outward response. I knew that he would hold it together. He was a badass warrior after all.
“You will stay for a long visit.” Queen Neopia commanded; it wasn’t a question.
“As much as we would like to,” Zack began, “We are needed in the Omega Quadrant. But we couldn’t pass by without stopping in to see you, your Majesty.”