CHAPTER 9 – Sarah
Space travel is dreadfullydull.
You know when your parents made you go on those road trips clear across the country and you drive through places where there are miles and miles of nothing. Where you’re actually excited to see a tumbleweed because it’s the first sign of anything on the horizon?
Yeah, that’s space travel, but without Yahtzee.
“So, do you have any board games?”
Axel eyed me, “Look if you want to go back to the sleeping pod or get something to eat that’s okay.”
We were sitting in the ship’s bridge staring at another wave of endless stars. Who knew that could wear on a person? I wasn’t the only one affected either. There was a woman with a slightly bluish tint and massive boobs that fell asleep right at her command station.
Zack and I had made a relatively peaceful arrangement. I said whatever I wanted, and he pretended I didn’t exist. We were supposed to land in the Omega Quadrant later in the day, but I was bored to death and needed a distraction.
“I’m not hungry or tired, Thor, I am bored.”
He grinned, “Is that why you want to play a ‘bored’ game?”
‘Really,” I sighed, “Not even funny. Is that your idea of a joke? We have a lot to work on.”
Heath snickered. “What do you do when you are bored, Sarah?”
I shrugged, “I like the outdoors. I enjoy reading, and sometimes even making things if I am feeling crafty.”
Axel raised a brow, “What kind of things?”
“Like a wreath or something for the table?”
He grunted clearly not interested.
“What kind of books do you read?” Maria, the fifth officer asked.
“I like lots of different genres as long as romance is involved. The naughtier the better.”
Axel choked.
Maria’s smile grew. “We don’t have many of those kinds of books. Is it like porn?”
I scoffed, “No! I like my stories to have a plot and theme to them, but good sex doesn’t hurt anything.”
The men in the room laughed and Axel scowled at me.
I turned back to Maria, “What kind of books do you have on Zeron?”
She wrinkled her nose. “Self-help, Autobiographies, mostly non-fiction types of books. I heard that on earth there are libraries with literally thousands of books to choose from.”
I nodded. “And with the internet, you literally have the stories right at your fingertips. Are you not able to access those here?”
Maria shook her head, “No, they don’t like us getting distracted so there aren’t a lot of recreational things in Zeron.”
This was literally the saddest thing I had ever heard.
“Then what do you do for fun?”
She brightened, “We train, and we go on missions!”
I glanced over at Axel, who was giving me the ‘don’t you dare go there’ look.