Page 22 of Becoming Super

CHAPTER 8 – Axel

“Your chick is fuckingcrazy, man!”

Zack rubbed at his still healing forehead and scowled at me. It didn’t help that I couldn’t wipe the smirk off my face. There was something about Sarah taking on a brute like Zack and coming out on top that had me hella proud to be her imprinted pair.

“She didn’t understand,” I smirked. “She thought we were stealing people out of their everyday lives. She didn’t know we are giving these humans a second chance at life.”

Zack motioned for me to have a seat on his right. We were traveling at warp speed through the galaxy toward the Omega Quadrant.

“She’s got a wicked temper,” Zack grumbled.

My smile found its legs and grew, “She’s a pacifist.”

His eyes widened, and he shook his head. “No fucking way that chick is a pacifist. Who is she trying to kid?”

I shrugged, “I like her.”

He snorts and turns back to the wide expanse of space in front of us. There were other members of his crew on the deck. Heath Jobs, First Mate and Executive Officer looked up from the control panel he was working on.

“She’s something to look at.” His eyes sparkled, and I felt the strongest urge to wipe the shit eating grin off his face. I knew that the women in Zeron found him attractive. Normally Heath was a good friend and a great wingman. But I didn’t want him to even think about Sarah, much less look at her.

“Hands off, Heath,” I bark the command, just as the woman herself walked onto the ship’s bridge.

“Who are you snapping at?” Sarah wrinkled her pert little nose, and I wanted to kiss the space between her eyes.

“No one,” I grumbled.

Her eyes went around the room taking in the different crew members doing their jobs before landing on Heath. And then she smiled, and I felt a wave of possessiveness flash through me. Her smiles, they should only be for me.

I stood up without thinking and went to her. The moment I touched her skin I began to feel better. I was still jealous of the way Heath was looking at her, but I could sense that she wasn’t interested in him like that.

And then it dawned on me. I was beginning to sense her feelings more and more. It was eerie and amazing at the same time.

Sarah looked up and me and without saying anything took my hand in hers.

Zack was still glaring at her, and to my girl’s credit, she laughed when she caught his gaze.

“Why are you being such a baby? Seriously, you are like seven times my size. Do you want to hit me, will that make you feel better?”

Several members of Zack’s crew burst into laughter but stifled it when they caught his expression. He was not amused.

“I don’t hit women,” he said stiffly.

“What if they have a gun?” she asked.

Zack looked confused, “What are you talking about?”

Sarah moved to the chair I had just been sitting in, pulling me behind her. She motioned for me to sit and then plopped down onto my lap.

“Well, you said that you didn’t hit women. But it would be strange if someone was, say trying to kill you, would you only retaliate if they were male?”

He clenched his jaw, “No, if someone was trying to kill me I would protect myself.”

She nodded as if considering, “So you hit girls, just not the ones you think are inferior.”

He blinked, “That’s not what I said.”

“You said that you would hit a girl that was trying to kill you. Obviously, if the female in question wasn’t up to par and couldn’t kill you she shouldn’t be hit even if she gets in a punch or two. I like your theory. I won’t hit men that are inferior to me either. The gun issue we can debate later.”