Page 70 of Royal Academy

“Have you seen the papers?” Benedict rattled off before even saying hello.

“No, Nick and I just landed. What is going on?”

Benedict sighed, the sound was sad and Lia immediately knew that something dreadful had happened.

“Father had a massive stroke yesterday. I am sorry, Lia. He didn’t make it.”

Lia sat stunned not able to respond.

“Lia? Lia?”

Nick took the phone from her, “This is Nick. What is it?”

“Our father, he’s,” it was hard for Benedict to get the words out, “he died late last night. There are arrangements to be made and appointments to fill. I’m sorry, Nick, but I need you both here.”

A large fat tear had begun to roll down Lia’s cheek.

“We will be there,” Nick said shortly and hung up the phone. He made arrangements for the plane to gas up and take them to Hazebabk. Then he called his parents to let them know.

Through it all, Lia sat beside him curled against his chest with silent tears coursing down her cheeks. When at last Nick could place the phone down he kissed the top of her head.

“I am so very sorry, sweetheart.”

Lia shook her head, “I don’t know how to feel. In some respects, I am actually glad, what kind of horrible person is glad that their father is dead?”

Nick understood a thing or two about grief having lost his mother. But what Lia was experiencing was wrenching his heart.

“You have every right to the feelings that you are experiencing right now. The king was never a good father and we don’t need to pretend that he was just because he’s dead.”

Lia smiled through her tears, “I don’t think I have that good of an imagination anyhow.”

He kissed her forehead, “It will be okay, no matter what happens we will be together. We can help Benedict get situated as the new king.”

Lia drew back, “I had quite forgotten about that. How stupid of me. No wonder he is desperate to reach us, there is so much to be done.”

When they were able to board the plane again it was only a few more hours on to Hazenbak. By the time they arrived, it was dusk and a car was waiting for them.

Out of the car came a familiar face with a sad smile.

“Sally!” Lia threw her arms around her friend.

“I’m so sorry for your loss, Lia,” Sally said against her hair.

“How is Benny?”

Sally was quiet for a moment, “He’s not acting like himself.”

“What do you mean?” Nick asked.

“He’s closed off, short—I don’t know. I know that he is mourning but he doesn’t want to if that makes any sense?”

Lia nodded painfully, “I know just what you mean.”

Sally motioned for them all to get in the car, “Let’s just get to the palace and you can see what I mean. I thought about leaving, to see if my presence was bothering him, but he insisted I stay. He needs you, Lia, it’s almost like he’s lost and can’t find his way home.”

Nick placed a hand on Sally’s shoulder, “Thank you for being there when we couldn’t.”

“Was Benedict able to get in touch with Luke?” Lia asked suddenly remembering their other best friend.

Sally shook her head, “I don’t know. There is still a lot of strain in that relationship.”

Nick took a breath, “It looks like we have our work cut out for us.”

Lia nodded, “Indeed we do.”