“I have a proposition for you,” he began.
Sally wrinkled her nose, “That is not something that one says to a woman very often.”
Benedict frowned, “Not that type of proposition. This is more of a scholarly type situation.”
She nodded, “I am in intrigued, by all means, what do you have in mind?”
“I have been working with my father to revamp the Royal Academy in Hazenbak. I don’t think that it should limit its reaches to only royal families.”
Sally looked up, “That is very magnanimous of you.”
Benedict sighed, “I am trying to not be a dick, Sally. Please, just hear me out.”
Sally nodded, a bit contrite.
“I want Royal Academy to be a place that any child might attend. I know that the cost is astronomical and most families could not afford it even if they were allowed in. But I am trying to change that.”
“Is your father on board?” Sally asked hesitantly.
Benedict clenched his jaw, “For the most part he thinks I am ruining the future of our country. But I already leaked to the press my intentions so he can’t back out now. All he is waiting for is for me to fail and then he can rub it all in my face.”
Sally knew the tension between father and son. “I’m sorry Benedict, what can I do for you?”
“I would like you to come and help me. I will serve as the Dean for the first year. The current one walked as soon as he got the news of the changes that were coming. Said that he could do better elsewhere or something like that. I would like to see that happen. I doubt he will run so much as a Sunday School class after this.”
Sally was surprised at the request, “But why me? I don’t know anything about education.”
He pulled her closer to his body as the made a turn on the dance floor. “You may not know about teaching. But you are excellent with business and I know how you are with people. These are some of the skills that I need. I honestly don’t know the first thing about being a dean. I will need someone to help keep my head on straight.”
“When does this begin?” Sally asked in wonder.
Benedict cleared his throat, “As soon as possible. The next school year begins the first part of September.”
“I will need to think about it,” Sally said after a moment. “Can I give you my answer in a day or two?”
Benedict nodded and then the song ended and there was an announcement that they were about to cut the cake.
Everyone gathered around where Lia and Nick held a silver cake server and gently cut through the four layers of cream and butter frosting. The night went on and the merriment continued. Champagne continued to flow until the early morning hours at some point Nick leaned in to whisper into his wife’s ear.
“it’s time to go, wife.”
Lia startled and then turned and grinned up at him. “By all means, husband, lead the way!”
They made their way over to where the King and Queen were standing and said their goodbyes. The twins had long since gone on to bed, having stated that they loved being bridesmaids and would love to do it every day of the week if possible.
Hank, the wayward bachelor cat, had met a lovely Siamese out in the stables and was now expecting a litter of kittens. Well, the Siamese was anyway, Hank just lazed about looking smug and licking his balls. The twins had adored having Hank as a pet and Lia had acknowledged that they were part pet owners as well.
Nick was just so damn happy that he didn’t have to share a room with Hank that he even attended the cat wedding that the twins hosted. It was a rather interesting affair.
As they went up the steps to change into something they could comfortably fly in. Nick grabbed Lia and carried her the rest of the way to their room.
“What was that for?” she asked breathlessly.
Nick growled against her mouth before kissing her soundly, “For being you. I adore you, Lia.”
She kissed him back, “I love you too, Nick, now and always.”