Page 67 of Royal Academy


Six months later…

“Lia, do you want the photographer to come get pictures of you getting ready or would you rather wait until the ceremony begins?”

Lia looked up from the vanity where she was currently getting her hair styled. “I think when the ceremony begins, I don’t want any wacky pictures of me looking stupid.”

Sally laughed, “Make-up on half of your face?”

Lia grinned, “You know that is what would happen to me!”

The girls had formed a fast friendship over the past six months. Sally had come to Meron and fallen in love with the culture and atmosphere. She was able to pass on most of the responsibilities of the family business onto a cousin. And therefore was free to help Lia begin a women’s initiative in Meron with Queen Stephanie and King Ryan’s full support.

It was hard to imagine that six months had flown by and it was now Lia’s wedding day.

Her long red hair was being swept up in a cascade of auburn curls, her make-up was already on and she looked flawless. Some of the students from the Royal Academy had been able to fly in for the wedding.

Lia was the most anxious to see Craig and Rachel. Asha was said to be coming as well. Lia had always thought she was a sweet girl and looked forward to seeing where life would take her next.

The hair stylist finished with Lia and sprayed her hair until she was certain it wouldn’t be going anywhere. From there they helped her get into her wedding dress. It was an off the shoulder designer gown that cost more than Sally’s entire college education. She had been with Lia when she picked it out in Paris.

Sally too changed into her maid of honor gown, a blush pink floor length evening dress with just the right amount of cleavage to get Benedict salivating.

Lia couldn’t help but laugh at her brother. He clearly liked Sally and had visited Meron more often in the last six months than he had in his entire life. But he still seemed caught up in something. Lia wasn’t sure what was holding him back.

When the veil was placed on Lia’s head, Queen Stephanie drew in a sharp breath. “You are completely stunning, Lia.”

Lia smiled tremulously in the mirror at her soon to be mother-in-law, “Thank you.”

“Are you ready for this?” Sally asked from the doorway.

Lia glanced back at the mirror one more time before nodding. Once they were in the hallway she saw her father waiting impatiently. Lia had honestly considered not having him walk her down the aisle. But despite their differences, she had no desire to air their dirty laundry for the press to rip into a million pieces.

“You look like your mother,” her father said shortly and then offered his arm.

While it wasn’t a compliment, it could have been much worse and Lia was thankful the King had restrained himself. The wedding march began to play and the hundreds of guests rose to their feet as she began her walk down the aisle of the chapel.

Royalty from all over the world were in attendance as well as celebrities and famous musicians. But Lia didn’t see any of them. Her eyes, once locked on Nick’s, refused to go anywhere else. She couldn’t tell you about her father giving her away or even the words that the priest had used.

But Lia could tell you what his shoulders looked like, broad and strong, or his smile how it lit his entire face. She could tell you about the way he whispered her name as he took her hand in his. And the glistening of unshed tears as he repeated his vows.

Lia loved this man.

Who could have ever known that Benedict’s bet would ever have led Nick to the woman of his dreams?

The moment the priest said he could kiss the bride, Nick fairly devoured her. He was desperate to hold her, kiss her. Cheers ran up from the crowd and soon they were racing back down the aisle and into the limousine trying to avoid the tossing of birdseed from some of the children.

A royal dinner and reception were held at the Palace in Meron the gorgeous ballroom had been opened up and dressed to perfection. Lia and Nick began the dancing, it was beyond perfect, a dream come true.

And then they heard a muffled shout. Lia turned her head to see but Nick stopped her.

“Melinda and Luke, I have a feeling that there is trouble in paradise.”

Lia leaned in, “Sally said that one of the maids told her Melinda was sleeping with an actor in hopes to make it in Hollywood.”

Nick rolled his eyes, “She is certainly dramatic enough for Hollywood.”

One would think that Benedict would be getting a kick out of being right, but he wasn’t paying the slightest bit of attention to Melinda and Luke. His eyes were glued to the maid of honor with whom he was currently dancing.