Benedict was stiff as a board underneath the heavy quilts laid on the bed in the master bedroom. The mattress was excellent, so that wasn’t the problem. And although they didn’t have heat, he certainly wasn’t cold. No, Benedict was suffering from a severe case of hard-on because he was in bed with a beautiful girl.
To make matters worse, Benedict’s companion had promptly fallen asleep. However, that did not mean she stayed in her own spot. Sally had slid right up to his warm body like white on rice. He knew if he moved the slightest degree that she would be bound to run into his dick.
Shit, it was waving himself around like he was in a parade just trying to get a slight brush of her leg or the soft curve of her hand.
Never in Benedict’s life had he ever suffered from such an unquenchable need for someone. Perhaps it was because he had been in a dry spell since he and Melinda split up. Benedict was sure this had to have something to do with it. Or maybe it was the way her ass bounced in those little yoga pants.
He had been tempted to grab it on more than one occasion during the past few hours. And then when Nate and his sister started moaning and groaning. Benedict felt like he had entered his own personal hell.
But somehow this was worse. Being this close to such a fucking hot body and not being able to do anything about it. This was sheer torture. He didn’t want to move and wake Sally up. He had a feeling that she was a punch first ask questions later kind of girl.
A smile crossed his face as he imagined her in a fury. Her eyes would blaze and that long hair would whip around as she did. Benedict would catch her arm and yank her against him. Wrapping his hands into her thick hair he would tilt her face back and press his lips against…
Shit! He needed to stop thinking like that. His dick was never going to go down and he was never going to be able to explain himself. What could he possibly say?
There wasn’t an easy way to talk yourself out of an embarrassing situation like that. And if the truth be told, Benedict wasn’t sure how she would respond. How many ballsy teacher types could she possibly know?
He wanted her to cup his balls, as her mouth closed over the head of his cock. He wanted to feel her suck him in deep as she took long sucks on his dick making him feel so…
Damn it! Benedict had to pull it together. Maybe singing a song in his head would help? Or saying the alphabet backward?
He wanted to fuck her backward. Hell, he wanted to fuck her any which way he could, she was beautiful in that fresh-faced girl next door vibe. Pure and gorgeous and he had flat out lied to her face.
Sally moaned and threw her leg over him.
There was no hiding how he was reacting to her now. She had the evidence smashed against her leg.
Sally’s hand landed on his chest and she buried her face in his shoulder.
Benedict felt like he was in the furnaces of hell. Is this what happened to people when they lied?
“Fuck,” he whispered more to himself than anyone. “I never should have lied to her.”
“No, you really shouldn’t have.”
There was dead silence in the room as Benedict clued into the fact that not only had he admitted he lied, but that his comatose bed partner was actually wide awake.
As far as comebacks go, it wasn’t the most original, but it did make Sally laugh.
She rolled off of him, much to Benedict’s dismay, and leaned up on one elbow. He could faintly make out her features in the light from the fire.
“Did you know that every time you lie an angel dies?” She said saucily.
Benedict frowned, “But then they go straight back to heaven, so really, we’re good.”
Sally snorted, “Is this how all royals behave? You are sounding a bit like a politician.”
Benedict sat up against the headboard, “You are right. I am acting abysmally and I owe you an apology.”
Sally sat up and moved against the headboard alongside him.
“I totally agree. However, I have had so much fun teasing you, that I won’t make you do it.”
“How long have you known?” Benedict asked.