Page 56 of Royal Academy


“Explain to me again why we are packing to go to America?”

Lia glanced over at Nick who was now sitting on her bed.

“Because he is running away from home and we are helping him.”

Nick snorted, “He is a grown man, Lia, nearly thirty years old.”

“I realize that.” She snatched the lacy panties that he had picked up from the suitcase and began to examine. “But he asked if we would like to go and help him get settled and I said yes.”

Nick rolled his eyes but got up and began to help her pack again. “Why Tenessee?”

“We have a cabin in the Smokies, it’s outside of a tourist town named Pigeon Forge. Father never even remembers it’s existence because it came to us through our grandmother on my mother’s side. It’s the perfect place for him to regroup and then we can go on to New York and do some bridal shopping.”

Nick growled and pulled her against her chest, “I like the sound of that.”

Lia rubbed her bottom against him.

“You are also a tease,” he nipped at her neck and she giggled breaking away from him.

“Come on, we need to get finished before it’s time to leave.”

There was a knock on the door before it was immediately opened and two very sad little girls came into Lia’s room.

“You just got here,” Katie complained as she walked into the room and tossed herself dramatically on the floor.

“It’s going to be so boring when you leave,” Kylie moped as she flopped down beside Katie.

Lia brow furrowed, “We won’t be gone long, I promise you that.”

Nick went over and pretended to step on their bellies making the girls laugh.

“Just think of all the evil plots you can concoct while we are away!”

Lia smiled, “And perhaps you can think about what you might want to wear for the wedding.”

Katie frowned, “Do we have to be flower girls because only babies are flower girls?”

Lia blinked, “I don’t see any reason why you cannot be bridesmaids.”

The girls raced up off the floor and wrapped their arms around Lia.

“You are going to be the best sister!” Kylie declared.

“The best big sister,” Katie corrected.

Lia hugged the girls close, it hadn’t occurred to her that she would be earning two new sisters. Having only grown up with Benedict, she didn’t know what sisterhood was all about. But if the warm feeling in her chest was any indication, Lia was going to like it.

Benedict stood at the open doorway, “Hey, that’s my sister, you can’t have her!”

The girls squealed and ran over to him leaving Lia free for Nick to wrap an arm around her waist.

Benedict looked up at the two of them, “Are you ready, Stinky?”

“She’s not stinky!” Katie giggled.

Benedict leaned down to whisper in her ear, “She is the stinkiest sister I have ever had.”