There were two houses for the girls, Diamonds and Rubies, and two for the boys, Emeralds, and Sapphires. In her day, when the Royal Academy was all girls, Lia was a Sapphire, hence the navy uniform. Now that the boys had taken up the other two houses they wore the navy and green uniforms.
The ladies were split into white and red pleated skirts. It reminded Lia somewhat of the Scarlet Letter. It was clear that if you were anyone you wore a white skirt. The girls in the red skirts like Asha and Hannah were treated like second-class citizens.
Victoria flashed those blue eyes in fake concern, “No, Princess Lia, I would never dream of breaking a rule.”
Lia fought the urge to roll her eyes knowing that it was the height of unprofessionalism to call your students a bitch.
She looked over at Hannah who had her eyes glued to her desk, cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Remembering too late how awful it was when teachers tried to protect the weaker ones. It always meant more torment in the end behind closed doors.
Sighing, Lia decided to let it go and asked the next student to continue the exercise. Dutifully the students stood and did as they were required. It wasn’t until Franklin that the exercise once again came to a complete halt.
“Yes?” Lia encouraged.
“I have social anxiety and am excused from oral participation.”
There was a wave of laughter as the implications from his statement washed over the room.
Lia gritted her teeth. Coming from someone who honestly suffered from anxiety it infuriated her that he was taking advantage of the system.
“Quiet down! Quiet!” Once they settled she continued, “How tragic for you Franklin. I’m sorry that you won’t be participating in any oral situations. It can be a confidence booster and quite fulfilling if you have half a mind to try it.”
The words were out of her mouth before she realized how they would be taken. Someone with a deep voice cleared their throat behind her. Lia turned around to see Professor Leham had stepped inside the classroom.
His face was stoic, but those eyes, damn those green eyes that shown with mirth.
“Princess Lia, we are edified to hear your enthusiasm for, what was it? Oral? However, the paging system seems to be on the fritz and it’s time to switch classes.”
The students couldn’t contain themselves. One boy had tears in his eyes he was laughing so hard.
Lia’s eyes narrowed on the man that chose to make fun of her in front of the entire classroom. She marched up to him and jabbed his chest. His rock hard and incredibly fit chest, but that wasn’t the point.
“How dare you?” Lia seethed.
Nick raised a brow, how he managed to look so infuriatingly handsome Lia would never know.
“Did you come in here just to undermine my authority?”
Nick’s eyes narrowed, “I came in here to alert you to the bell system being down. How was I to know you would be extolling the virtues of oral to your class?”
“Not sex you idiot!” her words were spoken between clenched teeth. “Now they are never going to respect me!”
Nick scoffed, “I think you are overreacting.”
“Do you?” Lia’s eyes blazed.
“Well, I just said as much,” he tipped his head to the side.
Lia tried to ignore the quirk of his lips as he added, “Perhaps, Princess, if you took a less military-like approach the students would be more accepting.”
Lia had never wanted to strangle a person before and yet right before her eyes, she could feel her hands wanting to reach out and grab the man’s neck.
“Stay out of my classroom,” she bit out the words before whirling around to see what someone had drawn on the desk.
It was a poor characterization, but the words written above made everything clear.
Princess Amelia likes cock.