Nick didn’t love her.
The thought went around and around her head until she felt dizzy and knocked on the door.
“Please excuse me,” Lia ducked her head and walked briskly back towards her room.
Nick called her name, but she ignored him. He was almost by her side when the queen came out of the breakfast room.
“Oh, Lia! Just the person I wanted to see. Shall we get started on the ball preparations?”
Before Nick could steal her away Lia had accepted the queen's generous offer and they had begun to walk away. Nick had a horrible suspicion that something was wrong with Lia, but he wasn’t sure what could have happened.
When he left her at the table she was bright and happy. The girl that just walked away from him was broken and small. His chest ached, and he wanted to go to her. Had she overheard his conversation with his father? It didn’t mean anything. He cared about her deeply.
Hell, he was probably in love with her. He certainly had never felt this way about anyone else. Nick had made up his mind to steal her away from his mother so that he could speak with Lia, explain himself.
When he approached the small salon, he heard Lia’s bright laughter. His heart started beating again and he realized that he hadn’t taken a deep breath since the time he saw her stricken face. Perhaps the conversation could wait. Nick didn’t want to disturb them.
A male voice interrupted his thoughts, “I cannot believe that I found you here, Lia. Of all the luck the most beautiful girl in the world is in Meron of all places.”
She laughed again, but this time Nick felt like a knife had slid into his gut. He bounded for the door and swung it wide. Sitting on one of the couches entirely too close to Lia was his other backstabbing best friend Luke, the Duke of Hastings.
Not only did he have an arm resting on the back of the couch, but Lia seemed to be leaning into the bastard.
“Hastings,” he spat.
Luke glanced up, his eyes usually so friendly held a hint of anger, “Nick, how are you?”
Nick ignored the pleasantries, “How good of you to come, were we expecting you?”
The queen drew in a harsh breath at Nick’s rudeness.
Lia if anything leaned closer to Luke.
“I was invited to the ball your mother is having. But I received a call from Benedict asking if I could come a little early and cheek on Lia.”
“You know her?” Nick’s tone was incredulous.
Lia’s back stiffened, “Unlike some of my brother’s friends, Luke took the time to come to Hazenbak and meet Benedict’s sister. We have known each other for quite some time.”
Jealousy flared hot in Nick’s gut, “If you knew Lia, why didn’t you…”
Luke stood abruptly, “I would be careful what you reveal, Nick.”
The queen sat there with wide eyes wondering just what was going on with her usually placid stepson. Lia was fuming mad. Not only did Nick not love her, but he didn’t think she was good enough to be friends with Luke. There were only so many insults that a person could take.
“When will Benedict be arriving?” Lia’s tone was clear that the previous subject was closed.
Luke turned back to her and sat down, “He should be here in two or three days, Poppet.”
She smiled at the playful term Luke had used for her over the years. It was almost like having Benedict here and after the morning she had, Lia had felt so terribly alone.
The queen began to talk again about the ball, but it was obvious that nobody was listening. Eventually, she gave up and excused herself to go see the twins. Lia feigned a headache and staunchly refused both men’s offers to escort her to her room.
The moment she was out of earshot Nick rounded on Luke.
“I find it strange that I had never heard you and Benedict’s sister were on such friendly terms.”
Luke raised a brow, “Is that a problem?”