“Son, can I talk to you for a moment?”
Nick paused with a fork full of eggs hovering near his mouth. “Erm, sure.”
Lia looked up from her breakfast, her cheeks pink and perhaps it was just Nick, but her lips still looked a little swollen.
“I will be right back,” he assured her and followed his father out of the breakfast room.
The king could have easily passed for Nick’s older brother. He had the same broad shoulders and handsome visage; the biggest difference lies in the lines of his face and grey in his hair.
“Is everything alright?” Nick asked when they both had taken a seat in his father’s office.
The king smiled, “I should be asking you that question. We had the most interesting tale from the twins this morning.”
Nick paled.
“Apparently there was a slumber party in Princess Amelia's room.”
Nick started coughing, whether it was on the air or his own spit he didn’t know.
The king continued, “They weren’t sure what game you were playing…”
Nick raised a hand, “Enough!”
His father’s face broke into a wide smile, “Nick, as much as I like teasing you, and you know I do. This is no place to carry on a liaison. If you and Princess Amelia are going to have sleepovers we need to have a wedding. And move you both to the guest wing and out of earshot of the twins.”
Nick nodded, “Yes, Sir, I understand.”
“Do you care for this girl?”
“Sir?” Nick’s head popped up, color suffusing his cheeks.
“Are you in love with Princess Amelia, Nick?”
Was he in love? Nick wasn’t sure. He cared about her a great deal and wanted to marry her. Wasn’t that enough?
“I don’t mean to press you son, but there is a young lady out there that is falling in love with you. I think she could be a wonderful wife and queen. But life is too long to spend with someone you’re not in love with.”
Nick nodded, “Yes, Sir, I understand.”
The king smiled at his eldest son. “You are always trying to do the right thing, Nick. I’m proud of the man you have become. But there are times when I wonder if you haven’t learned to trust your instincts.”
“How do you know you are in love?” The question came out in a rush.
The king considered it for a long moment and then answered. “When your happiness isn’t possible without her by your side. When you care more about what she needs than what you want. When you know if you never saw her again your heart might literally crumble up and die.”
“That sounds terrible,” Nick responded honestly.
The king laughed, “Love is terrible. It’s terrible, exciting, heartbreaking, emotional, fulfilling, and utterly worth whatever it takes to find it.”
There was a knock at the door and the king bade them enter.
Lia stood there white-faced. “The queen asked that I inform you breakfast will be out for another fifteen minutes.”
The king nodded, “Thank you, Princess Amelia, we were just speaking of you.”
Nick’s eyes flashed a warning to his father, but he needn’t have. Lia had already caught much of the conversation before she knocked. The door hadn’t been closed all the way and she hadn’t meant to eavesdrop. But to her surprise when they were speaking about love Lia froze and couldn’t move.