Page 40 of Royal Academy


“Do you think she’s asleep?”

Lia was alarmed when she heard the door to her room creak open a little after midnight. But when the intruders began to whisper to each other her fears eased.

“Duh, she’s old. Of course, she’s asleep.”

“What?” Lia started laughing and startled the girls. “I am not that old!”

She leaned over and flipped on the lamp on the end table. “To what do I owe this impromptu visit, ladies?”

Kate had something shoved behind her back and a guilty look on her face.

Kylie smiled brightly, “Oh, nothing. We, err, got lost on the way back to our room.”

“I see.” Lia fought to keep a straight face.

It was at that moment that Hank decided to make his appearance. The little girls ran to him and dropped what looked like a rubber snake on the floor. Hank, seeing the offending item immediately hissed.

“Wait!” Lia called out to them as she scrambled out of bed. She raced over to the snake and verified that it was indeed of the plastic variety. Then she picked it up and hid it from Hank.

He immediately calmed and allowed Lia to pick him up.

“Come over on the bed and I will hand him to you,” Lia instructed, and they raced over bouncing and giggling all the way.

Once they were somewhat calm, Lia introduced them to Hank. Setting the cat on the side of the bed they watched as he sniffed and pawed at the girls. Seeing no cause for alarm Hank eventually allowed them to pet him.

“We have always wanted a cat,” Kate told Lia, “But Nick is allergic.”

Lia smirked, “Yes, I know.”

“Can we share him with you? I bet our mom and dad would allow us to share a cat!” Kylie asked.

Lia nodded, “While I am here you both are part pet-owners.”

The girls grinned.

“You are much nicer than we thought you would be,” Kate said candidly. “We usually don’t like the girl’s Nick bring around.”

Lia frowned, “Does he often do that? Bring a girl home, I mean?”

Kylie laughed, “Goodness, no! Nick’s allergic to cats and marriage, he tells us that all the time.”

A deep voice cleared his throat at the doorway, “Telling all my secrets, Monsters?”

The girls bounded off the bed and into their older brother, nearly knocking him over.

“What are you doing in Lia’s room?” he asked when they had settled down a little.

The girls became silent.

Kate looked over at Lia pleadingly.

Kylie was mouthing something to her, but she didn’t have the slightest clue what it could be.

“I asked them to come,” Lia blurted out.

Nick cocked his head to the side, “You asked my wicked stepsisters to come into your room after midnight? Are you working on an evil spell with them?”