Lia wasn’t sure what she was expecting of Meron. Perhaps another duplicate of Hazenbak? When the plane touched down her eyes were glued to the window. The vast rolling hills and agricultural land were flanked by quaint villages. It was something out of a fairytale that Lia hadn’t even known still existed in the world.
Sure, they had all of the modern amenities that were offered in this day and age. But there wasn’t a billboard, flashing sign, or even a monstrous skyscraper in sight. It was literally like stepping back in time. Even the airport was small and homey.
They weren’t met by a team of limousines like they had been in Hazenbak. In Meron, there was a town car brought around and Nick was given the keys to drive them.
“Welcome back, Prince Nicholas,” the older gentleman gave a little bow. He turned to Lia, “And welcome to Meron, Princess Amelia, we are happy to have you here.”
Lia nodded and thanked the man while Nick clapped him on the back. “It’s great to see you, Sam. I hope that all is well with you and Ruby?”
“Right as rain, and she will be pleased you asked after her.”
As they entered the car Lia turned to Nick with a look of surprise on her face.
“How do you know that man?”
Nick shrugged, “He’s worked for Meron Air Services for as long as I can remember. Nice man, has a wife and a few grandkids studying over in the states.”
Lia tried to make it a point to know the servants that she came in contact with. But she had never thought to extend herself beyond that. She sat contemplating this whole new side of Nick as he drove them through some of the most beautiful countrysides she had ever seen.
The palace was more of a castle with a drawbridge and guards at the gates. Of course, the moat was no longer filled with crocodiles as if might have been hundreds of years ago. It was filed in now with gorgeous gardens.
“Your home in incredible,” Lia murmured as Nick drove the car around a massive fountain and parked in front of the entryway.
A woman in her late forties came out along with a handsome man that bore a strong resemblance to Nick. Next came two twin girls that were perhaps seven or eight.
Nick came around the car and opened the door for Lia.
“Lia, I want to introduce you to my family. My father, King Ryan, my mother, Queen Stephanie, and my evil stepsisters Kate and Kylie. Family this is Princess Amelia of Hazenbak.”
The little girls launched themselves at Nick.
The one in blue yelled out, “I am not evil, Nick! You are just a troll anyhow!”
She kissed him soundly on the cheek and he faked choking to death while she giggled with glee. The other sister in yellow was squeezing him tightly around his waist.
“Don’t go away for so long, we are so bored when you are gone!”
Nick leaned down and picked her up, “I’m sorry, Kate. I promise to stay for a while this time.”
Kylie looked up at Lia, “Are you going to stay too? Because we have some rules here.”
Queen Stephanie looked mortified, “That will be all girls, why don’t you give your brother a moment to come inside before pestering him?”
They grumbled good-naturedly and let him go.
Nick approached his parents, rather than the grim way Lia was met by her father, they each enfolded him in their arms.
Queen Stephanie took his face in her hands, “You look tired, are you getting enough rest?”
King Ryan scoffed, “He’s fine, fit as a fiddle. Now, you must be the lovely Lia. Your brother Benedict is one of our favorite guests.”
It was strange to Lia that Benedict had been here numerous times over the years but she hadn’t even known Nick existed until Royal Academy.
“It’s wonderful to meet you, Your Majesties,” she curtseyed in her best royal manner.
But Queen Stephanie was quick to usher her up, “There is no need to stand on such formality. We are thrilled to have you here. Please just call me Stephanie and this is Ryan.”