Page 35 of Royal Academy


Lia turned to look at Nick, “Why did you stop?”

A light flush painted his cheeks, “I don’t really know where I’m going.”

His chagrined admission seemed to loosen something inside of Lia. Taking him by the elbow she escorted him up the stairs and past more than a dozen servants. To one of which she requested a light tea be served in the library in a quarter of an hour.

Nick noted the kind tone Lia used when speaking with the servants and his heart warmed even further. This wasn’t the spoiled princess that he had once thought her to be.

When they entered the library there was a lovely fire in the far fireplace along with a sitting area. Lia went directly there sinking down into the soft cushions of the sofa.

“I’m sorry about earlier,” Lia wasn’t looking at Nick when she spoke. Embarrassment and frustration coated her words.

Nick sat beside her, “Lia, there is nothing for you to apologize about.”

She shook her head in disagreement, “There is always something to apologize for when my father is present.”

Nick wasn’t quite sure how to proceed. One didn’t go about disparaging the king of another nation. However, this man was a shoddy piece of work.

“Is your father,” Nick paused looking for the right words. “Has he always treated you in the same manner I saw today?”

Lia shrugged, “Yes and no. For the most part, he ignores me unless something terrible or scandalous has happened—or terribly scandalous which isn’t out of the question.”

Nick hated seeing the defeated look on her beautiful face. Even sitting next to her on the couch he felt drawn to her. His hands itched to touch her, his mouth wanted to taste her again.

“Look, Nick,” Lia turned to face him and suddenly it seemed as if they were sitting very close. “I know what my father said. But you don’t need to marry me. We didn’t do anything wrong and besides this isn’t Victorian times. No one is going to call you out for a duel for ruining my honor.”

Nick frowned, “I know that.”

Lia continued, “I’m sure that you are by no means ready to settle down and I completely understand that.”

He continued to watch her face, “I hadn’t planned on getting married soon.”

She swallowed and averted her gaze, “Well, that is a relief, we can just pretend all of that nonsense never happened. In fact, you are free to go. This will blow over, it always does. I’m something of a laughing stock anyway.”

Letting things go would have been Nick’s preference had it been anyone but Lia. However, Nick found that it wasn’t at all what he wanted.

“I don’t want to pretend,” he scooted a fraction of an inch closer to her.

Lia stiffened, “Okay, well, it’s not like we will be seeing each other so if you wish to hold a grudge?”

Nick cupped her face bringing Lia’s surprised gaze to his own, “I don’t want to pretend that I can’t see how beautiful you are. I don’t want to pretend that you aren’t someone that is important to me.”

It wasn’t a declaration of love by any means, but to Lia is was the sweetest thing any man had ever said to her. Perhaps it was the adrenaline running through her veins from the meeting with her father. Or maybe it was just good old-fashioned hormones. But when Nick pressed his lips to hers, she kissed him back.

He tasted of desire and adventure and everything dark and dangerous that was so enticing. He held her firmly in his muscular arms, not once giving her the opportunity to rethink things or turn back.

But rethinking things would have been the very last thing on Lia’s mind. She was too focused on the softness of his lips. The way his tongue caressed hers and demanded submission. She couldn’t help but notice that her breasts were tingling the tips yearning to be touched by this man.

Her stomach was filled with more than butterflies, it was a raging zoo inside and she wanted to devour him much like he was doing to her. This man, this incredible man had stood up for her in front of her father. He wasn’t ashamed or embarrassed about her. When Lia was with him she could almost believe that she really was beautiful.

She edged closer and he moved his hands from her face to her hips lifting Lia onto his lap.

Something very hard and firm was pressed against her bottom making her squirm with excitement. Nick tried to stifle a moan, her delectable bottom against his cock was almost more than he could stand.

Lia was so innately sensual. Everything about her seemed to spur him on to want to take her, make her his. Once she was seated on his lap his hands went up to cup her perfect tits over her clothes.

He wanted her naked, under him, over him, just naked in general! He could make any situation work. Nick loved the feel of her hands on his chest. Tracing the lines and muscles, driving him nearly insane.