Page 23 of Royal Academy

“What was that?” the Dean looked around the room not seeing anything.

“Hank, my cat, has allergies,” Lia replied praying that the Dean would just get the hell out of her room.

“That is incredible, he sounds just like a human!” Dr. Fuzzenbomb began to lean down as if he wanted to see Hank.

Lia clutched her stomach again, “Oh, ouch! It hurts really bad!”

The Dean popped his head up with a look of disgust on his face and quickly made his goodbye. Lia locked the door for once in her life and flew back across the room just in time to see Nick whacking his head as he tried to get away from Hank.

“Bad, Hank! Stop that this minute!”

Hank looked up at Lia and then shrugged his kitty shoulders before moving away to glare at Nick.

Nick was sporting a rather long scratch on his wrist and another on his cheek. Lia knew that this was no time to laugh, but the way they were looking at each other was rather hilarious. And then Hank whipped up his tail and began to lick his unmentionables.

Nick scowled and the peals of laughter escaped her lips. She couldn’t help it. Her emotions had been all riled up with the kiss and then the dean visiting. Hank deciding that now was a good time to get his rocks off was just too much.

Slowly Nick’s scowl began to soften as he watched Lia struggling to regain her composure.

“It wasn’t that funny,” he said but his lips had begun to twitch at the corners.

Lia wiped a tear away, “What were you two doing under there?”

“He rubbed his ass on my face!” Nick burst out heatedly.

But all that did was cause Lia to laugh even louder, “Nick, he is just a cat.”

“He isn’t a cat!” Nick insisted, “He’s a bloody demon, I’m telling you that is not a normal cat!”

Lia stepped forward and grabbed a tissue from her dresser. Then moving closer she dabbed at his cheek. Nick sucked in his breath. He had thought that all of those crazy emotions from earlier had disappeared. But all she had to do was step closer to him and his body revved back up again for round two.

“I’m sorry he scratched you,” her eyes were still glittering but no longer laughing.

Nick cupped her hand to stop the movement, “It’s alright.”

Her lips twitched, “Are you sure?”

Her full lips were all that Nick could think about. He wanted to press his own against them again. He wanted to feel them against his body, around his cock.

Leaning in, his mouth was a hairsbreadth away from her own when there was another knock at the door.

“Bloody hell,” Nick growled, “How many visitors do you get in an evening?”

Lia shrugged helplessly, “Who is it?”

“Craig and Rachel,” they called in unison.

“Give me another fifteen minutes, would you?” Lia called back through the door.

“Sure,” Rachel replied, “See you then.”

Lia blew out a sigh, “I’m sorry, they are most likely here to pick out my outfit for tomorrow.”

Nick smiled and shook his head, “Your personal fashion guru’s?”

She laughed, “Something like that. I needed the help and they are all too willing to provide it.”

He stepped back into her personal space and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.