Lia raised a hand, “Say no more about that horrible man!”
Rachel and Craig exchanged a look before turning on her.
“What?” Lia said defensively.
Craig shrugged innocently, “Nothing. We need to see your clothes.”
“Okay,” Lia sighed, “No time like the present.”
They had another hour before lights out and the three of them spent the time with Lia begging for items to stay as Craig and Rachel threw more and more into the rubbage bin.
“I thought you said my clothes weren’t that bad!”
And this was how Nick found them. The noise from his closest neighbor becoming so loud that he had to investigate. Not only was the door open, but once he crossed the threshold he saw the massive pile of linens that Lia was trying to save from a tall dark skinned girl.
“You promised to listen to us,” the girl was insisting.
“She’s right, PL. We are doing this for your own good,” the boy looked up and cleared his throat, “Um, bitches, we have company.”
The admonition to Craig about the swearing died on her lips as Lia looked up into Nick’s amused eyes.
“Well, shit,” she breathed and a smirk broke out on his handsome face.
“I think it’s time we went to bed,” Rachel darted for the door and Craig was moments behind her.
He stopped before they left to call out, “Don’t go putting those things back, PL. They are off limits.”
And then they were gone.
Nick raised a brow, “PL?”
Lia hated her fair skin as she felt her cheeks heat once again. Why was it that she was always blushing in front of this man?
“Princess Lia,” she huffed, “Why are you here?”
There was a scratching noise followed by a small whimper.
Lia had always been deathly afraid of mice. Living in a castle one tended to see them from time to time. Without thought or reason, she flung herself at Nick.
He had barely caught her when she tried scaling his body like a pole.
“Damn it, woman, your shoes are digging into me!”
They both stopped, Lia balanced precariously on Nick’s shoulders.
“Was that a…”
Lia broke off as Nick sneezed so loudly that she lost her hold and tumbled down his body to the floor.
“You dropped me!” she insisted.
“You have a damn cat!” he accused.
From behind the massive pile of clothes, a thin orange and white striped cat peaked its head.
Nick sneezed again, “How could you?”
“You are the one that likes cats!” Lia snapped.
Nick looked horrified, “No I don’t!”
Lia glanced down at the feline that had come over and started to lick her hand.
“You have to get rid of it,” Nick sounded stuffy and his eyes were pink rimmed.
Lia picked up the small cat and was surprised at how it curled around her arm.
“I think I will keep her.”