Page 12 of Royal Academy

Rachel matched her grin with one of her own, “I can’t ignore a cry for help.”

A laugh escaped Lia’s lips, “And I suppose I am the one crying out?”

“Your clothes certainly are,” Rachel retorted.

Lia looked at the girl ten years her junior. In truth, Rachel was one of the most beautiful girls she had ever seen. Clearly, she took after her mother. A part of her wondered if life here at the Academy might be a little easier if she had someone on her side. Even little Rachel would be better than nothing.

Let’s out a sigh, Lia relented, “All right. I have a meeting with the Dean but I suppose that I could meet you back here later?”

Rachel grinned, her bright white smile flashing and showing perfectly straight teeth, “After dinner. I have another friend Craig that I will bring with me if that’s alright?”

Lia nodded, “I suppose the more the merrier.”

“Perfect,” Rachel stood, a good five inches above Lia’s frame, “See you then!”

Lia smiled and waved wondering just what she had gotten herself into now.


Making her way to the Dean’s office she rushed knowing that she was a few minutes behind. By the time she arrived her face was flushed and she was breathing hard, “I’m sorry I’m late, Dean, I had a student I needed to speak…”

Lia broke off as she saw that the Dean wasn’t alone. Professor Lehman, or Satan Nick, was sitting in one of the chairs across from the Dean’s desk.

“I beg your pardon,” Lia turned and was about to leave when the Dean stopped her.

“No, no! You are just in time, come in, child, come in.”

Lia turned around with horror in her eyes. Had Nick said or done something to try and get her fired? Her hot eyes met his irritated ones. She couldn’t read his expression and wasn’t sure what to do.

“Have a seat, Princess Amelia,” the Dean encouraged, “I have something of importance to discuss with you.”

Over the next fifteen minutes, Lia was told in no certain terms just what a lousy teacher she really was. Her students were complaining about her. There wasn’t any discipline going on in the classes, and they had started to get parents calling in.

Lia fought back, outrage and surprising hot tears on her face. She had never wanted to come here in the first place. She wasn’t trained as a teacher and hadn’t wanted to be one. How dare they force her into a situation and then chastise her for not being the best.

This was just another instance of Lia not measuring up to expectations.

“I will pack things immediately,” Lia said shortly and moved to rise.

The Dean shook his head, “No, my dear, you misunderstand. We don’t wish you to leave, we want to help support you.”

Then the older gentleman glanced at Nick and Lia felt the bottom drop out of her stomach.

“Professor Leham came at the same time that you did and is doing splendidly. I have consulted with your father, the king, and he wishes that you have a mentor of sorts. We will be pulling in a new teacher to help cover classes and Professor Leham and you will team teach Royal Manners and Deportment. What do you say?”

Lia sat in stunned silence. What did she say?

I’d rather be dragged through broken glass?

Is there an option where you just rip my toenails out?

Tar and feathering sound more appealing?

Her only consolation was that Nick looked just as miserable as she did. Lia did the only thing she really could do, “Yes sir, when do we start?”