Lia didn’t quite know what to do. She would no sooner call her father something that informal than cut off her arm. But she smiled weakly and nodded.
Nick wrapped an arm around her waist, the movement noticed by both of his parents.
“I think I’m going to take Lia on a tour of the castle. What time is lunch?”
Stephanie smiled, “The same time it’s been since I married your father more than twelve years ago. Lunch will be at 12:30 sharp.”
Nick grinned, “We will be there.”
“It’s been lovely meeting you,” Lia called out as Nick whisked her away further into the castle.
They were a short ways off when he rubbed the back of his neck subconsciously. “Sorry about that, they can be a little boisterous.”
Lia raised a brow, “Your sisters?”
He nodded, “They really are good girls. Well, good monsters for the most part.”
Lia thought for a moment, “Queen Stephanie said she married your father twelve years ago?”
Nick turned to look at her, “Yes, she is my stepmother. My own died of cancer when I was young.”
Lia drew in a breath, “I am so sorry, I had no idea.”
He smiled kindly down at her, “There is no reason for you to have known. And while it was a long time ago, your kindness is appreciated.”
The walked through a few salons and he showed her the ballrooms. When they got towards the back of the castle he opened some french doors into a conservatory. The rich scent of flowers wafted over them.
“This is incredible,” she breathed moving in and getting down to smell some of the roses.
“My mother, I am told was always fond of it. I thought perhaps you might want to see it.”
It touched Lia’s heart that he would want to share something so personal with her. “Thank you, for sharing it with me. Can we walk through it?”
He nodded and showed her different plants many of which she had never heard of. It was strange to see this side of Nick. She knew the teacher and even friend aspects of his character. She knew when he was on the prowl and what he was like when he was angry. But this Nick, the quiet at home version was one that she really was starting to like.
They talked and laughed until there was a commotion up ahead. The twins came barrelling into the conservatory.
“Mom’s mad,” Kate taunted, “You are SO late for lunch!”
“Damn,” Nick muttered.
The girls broke into peals of laughter.
Nick flushed, “I meant, darn.”
“Mom’s going to get you!” Kylie giggled.
“We might as well face the music,” Nick turned them by the top of their heads and pointed forward. “Lead on, soldiers. We may not make it out alive, but it’s been a pleasure serving with you.”
The girls’ giggles intensified as they began to march toward the dining room. Once inside they couldn’t wait to tell on their brother.
“Nick said a curse word!” Kate’s eyes glimmered.
Ryan turned to look at Nick. With exaggerated sternness, he asked, “Is this true?”
Nick shook his head, “I don’t think so. I don’t even know who these evil stepsisters are.”
They jumped on him hollering and denying that they were evil and he took it all in good fun.