Page 34 of Royal Academy

Nick blew out a breath, “It was nothing like that. You don’t understand. I just need a chance to explain.”

She nodded slowly, “I see. Well, Prince Nicholas, since I won’t be there to babysit you are no longer required to put your life on hold.”

Nick scowled, “Would you stop calling me that? I am Nick to you, not Prince Nicholas.”

Lia ignored him, “And now that we are home I should imagine that I won’t need to see you ever again.”

Benedict frowned, “Um, no, you will be seeing quite a bit of him.”

But the conversation was stilted when the driver pulled to a stop at the palace and opened the door. Several members of the staff stood outside waiting to greet the Prince and Princess. The butler, Greeves, approached.

“His royal highness has requested that you report directly to his office.”

Lia ducked her head, “I’m not feeling well.”

Greeves almost looked pained, “I’m afraid that he insisted, Princess Amelia. He is expecting all three of you.”

Lia glanced over at Nick to see his expression but the man’s face was stoic. With a grunt and roll of her eyes that she knew was childish and did anyway. Lia started up the stairs to the second floor to the king's private office. Again silence filled the trio as they went to face the music.

A footman at the door opened it as soon as he saw them and announced the arrivals to the king.

Still, a rather handsome man in his late fifties, King Leon’s gaze snapped up at the mention of his daughter.

“Well,” his voice could have inspired icicles in hell. “What do you have to say for yourself?”

Nick wasn't certain what he had been expecting from Lia. But the cold silence she projected back at her father wasn’t one of them. Her chin was raised and her mouth set, Lia looked ready to do battle. Nick felt a pang in his heart when he saw the way King Leon stared at his daughter without the slightest bit of affection.

The king sneered, “Nothing? I should have known. Because of this current situation Amelia I have taken pains to announce your betrothal in every major press around the world.”

Suddenly Lia came to life, “I am not betrothed to anyone! How dare you?”

The king stood, “I am your father and your king. You will do what I tell you to.”

“You can’t expect me to marry someone that I don’t love!”

Nick felt the words like a blow to his heart. It wasn’t that he was in love, he knew nothing about love. But for Lia to shout her declaration with such vehemence took him back more than a little.

“You will do as I command and for once in your life, you will not be the laughing stock of the Vincenza family!”

Nick took a step forward wrapping his arm around Lia and yanking her against him.

“Excuse me, Your Majesty, you forget yourself.”

The words were low and dangerous, his arm was like a vise against Lia.

“How dare you?” King Leon spat, but Nick was faster.

“You are speaking to the future queen of Meron. If you want to continue to have friendly commerce with our country I would suggest you think before you insult my fiance. We have much to discuss, would you please excuse us?”

The next thing Lia knew she was being escorted out of her father’s private office by a very angry and terribly bruised man.

He didn’t stop until he got to the end of the hallway and realized he had no clue where to take her. As long as he and Benedict had been friends they had never gone to Hazenbak. Nick was starting to see why his best friend hadn’t wanted to come home.

It infuriated him that the King could treat Lia in such a fashion. He wasn’t even there last night and didn’t know that Lia was completely innocent. It was Nick that kept pulling her closer, and Nick that nearly kissed her.

He resolved right then and there that he would do anything and everything to help Lia. Even if it meant letting her go.