Page 22 of Royal Academy


“Princess Amelia?” the Dean called out again.

Lia shoved at Nick’s shoulders until he got on the ground and slipped underneath the bed. It was a tight fit and he wasn’t sure if his shoulders or junk would be the same. Both took a hard knock against the bed rails.

Lia raced to the door and opened it, “I’m so sorry, Dr. Fuzzenbomb. It was a, erm, girl issue.”

The older man flushed and waved his hands in front of his face, “Oh nothing to worry about, Princess.”

Lia was still standing in front of the doorway, “What can I help you with?”

He tilted his head, “Might I come in?”

Gritting her teeth, Lia moved back and allowed the older man inside.

From where Nick was smashed under the bed he could see the deans shoes along with Lia’s adorable naked toes.

His nose twitched and carefully he maneuvered his arm around until he could raise it to his face and wiggle it. Turning his head to the side his grass green eyes slammed into the glowing blue irises of his arch nemesis.

Hank lazily stretched out a paw, teasing Nick as his tail whipped back and forth. Nick could no longer pay any attention to what the Dean was speaking to Lia about because he was now in a showdown with Hank.

Nick’s brows snapped together and bared his teeth. Surely if one showed dominance to the feline, Hank would back down.

The only way to describe the face that Hank made next was a smirk. His eyes narrowed and his whiskers jumped. If Hank could talk, a challenge had just been issued—bring it on.

Nick heard something about a ‘field trip’ that shook his concentration and for the briefest of seconds, he took his eyes off the cat.

“So, we will plan on you and Professor Leham taking the fourth years to the Everett Academy Ball?”

Nick shook his head but it was no use, it wasn’t like Lia could see him.

“Um, sure, Dr. Fuzzenbomb, we would be happy to.”

NO! Nick wanted to scream but he knew full well that getting caught in Lia’s room hiding under the bed would cause all kinds of complications to his life.

Right at that moment, Hank made his move. In a flash, he had moved and placed his furry ass right on Nick’s face.

Heedless of who was in the room, Nick swatted at the cat who in turn scratched right back.

“What is that?” the Dean had paused mid-sentence.

Lia gulped, “My cat, Hank, he has night terrors. Must be a bad dream, sir.”

“Goodness,” the Dean blew out a breath, “It sounds like a catfight.”

Hank’s fur had gotten into Nick’s nose. Now instead of worrying about the cuts on his hands, Nick was horrified that he would sneeze.

Lia must have sensed that something was dreadfully wrong because she tried to hurry the Dean out the door.

She clutched her stomach, “Oh, I think those lady problems are coming back.”

The Dean was never one to stay around in a crisis, “I will just get out of your hair.”



And then another, “Aaachoo!”