Page 19 of Royal Academy

“Hank is perfectly well, thank you, very much. And they are going to let me keep him!”

Nick shook his head, “I will speak with the Dean.”

Her eyes widened, “Going to go tell dad?”

He scowled.

Lia flipped her head back much like Victoria had during class before responding, “Go ahead, my brother has already called and informed the school that Hank will be staying.”

For the second time, that day Nick’s jaw fell open, “He wouldn’t.”

She sashayed over to the door, “He already did.”

After she left Nick could still smell the alluring scent of her perfume in the air. There was something so utterly irritating about the woman and yet he was drawn to her. Nick had almost made a fool of himself a dozen times during the day losing his train of thought just looking at Lia.

He cursed the students that had chosen now of all times to make her into a cover model. Nick had known she had a slamming body from when he carried her on the stairs. However, in her bizarre outfits, he could easily picture her as younger or even too strange to consider.

But it was different with the makeup and those damn skinny jeans that hugged every lithe inch of her.

The last thing he needed was to be getting a cock stand in front of the kids. He had to remember that Lia wasn’t really a girl, no she was a sister, those are so far off limits there are an entire species reserved for sisters.

The—do not look, do not touch—species.

It was too bad that his eyes and body weren’t willing to listen to his edict. She had reached out to show him something earlier and touched his arm. Nick had felt the heat from her touch all the way through his jacket.

There was another moment when she brushed past him, that pert little ass coming dangerously close to areas that could cause a major problem. When he had an urge to grab Lia and pull her close. It was unfathomable. That would be a nightmare of epic proportions.

Not only would Benedict have his balls, but it would ruin their friendship. No doubt something like that wouldn’t go over well with the school either. And then there was Lia herself. She was likely to kill him if he tried anything like that.

No, Nick needed to keep his eye on the prize. He wasn’t going to lose this bet because Benedict’s sister was hot.

As the future king of Meron, Nick knew that all good things came to those that waited. Now he just needed to wait it out. Everything was going according to plan.

Nick was almost back to his rooms when he heard an ear piercing scream coming from Lia’s chambers. He dropped everything in his arms and started sprinting. Thankfully she had left the door ajar, Nick slammed into the room to find Lia in her tank and panties up on the dresser.

There were others running toward the room, no doubt having heard the scream. But he couldn’t allow anyone else to see her like that.

Poking his head out the door he smiled reassuringly, “No cause for alarm just a stubbed toe.”

Several of the kids gave him a dubious look, but the teachers and staff merely shrugged and moved away.

Another whimper came from inside and he steeled himself before going back in. Her creamy tone thighs were at his eyesight and he knew better than to glance further up.

“What happened?” he asked tersely.

Lia simply pointed, “There, do you see it? Hank, how could you?”

On the rug, the skinny feline sat licking its paws and ignoring the both of them.

On cue, Nick sneezed. However, he had taken the allergy medicine and didn’t feel like he was going to die—yet.

“I don’t see the problem,” he looked all over the floor.

She grabbed his head, her fingers sinking into his hair, “On my pillow!”

Her voice was shrill and as he looked, Nick, grimaced at the sight before him. A plump dead mouse that appeared to be missing his head.

Hank meowed his delight.