I never told him how much I love him.
I collapsed in a heap on the side of a riverbed, leaning over the edge, I caught my swollen blotchy reflection in the clear water and made a face.
Gregory had thankfully stayed with the horses. I couldn’t face him at the moment. I needed space.
“Why are you so sad pretty lady?”
I tipped my head up to see a water sprite staring at me with a bemused expression.
I grimaced, “I have just lost the one person in the world that really understands me.”
The sprite flipped her hand, causing water droplets to fling across the grass, “What is lost can easily be found again.”
“He doesn’t love me anymore,” I whispered, “I pushed him away.”
“Pull him back,” she cocked her head. “Surely a beautiful girl like yourself should have no trouble getting a man to follow her anywhere.”
I flushed, “I am not sure what you mean.”
Her tinkling laugh brought a small smile to my lips.
“Sex darling, you need to seduce the man.”
“But I have never,” I broke off blushing madly.
“You have the right parts I assume?” she asked pointedly.
“I am a female,” I retorted.
“Well, use those feminine wiles. He won’t know what hit him. I guarantee he won’t be lost for long.”
“Do you really think so?”
The sprite pushed a wave of water at me, drenching every inch of my skin.
“Argh! Why did you do that?” I nearly screamed.
She indicated to my now, see through shirt. My nipples were fully present and had started to bead up from the cold.
“That should help you, now on your way pretty lady. The night draws near, and the temperatures are falling.”
Sure enough, I noticed it had been getting darker. I turned to thank her, but the sprite was gone, and only the small river remained.
“Where have you been?” Gregory’s angry voice interrupted me, and I hopped to my feet.
“I am sorry. I was upset, and then there was a water sprite.”
But I could tell that he wasn’t listening to a word I said. Gregory’s eyes were glued to a specific part of my anatomy that was on full display.
“Gregory?” I demanded.
His eyes flew to mine, and I will never forget the intense look of lust in them.
Maybe the sprite knew what she was talking about after all.