Leonie and the lionesses loved my outfit.

The lions seemed to appreciate it, but were smart enough to keep that opinion to themselves. Jake’s jaw clenched, and I saw a distinct tick in his cheek.


The lions shifted, and I rode on Jake’s back with my hands wrapped tightly in his mane. I worried that I would hurt him. But he looked so offended by my concern that the words died on my lips.

So, I climbed on his massive back and held on with an iron fist. True to his word, Jake didn’t have a moments trouble carrying me. The lions ran the long way around the village, instead of going through, which I much appreciated. It was nearing dusk when we arrived on the outskirts of the pride.

Eric and the other males walked into camp just as we had planned. Leonie was on duty to tell us when there was an all-clear.

She ran back out of the woods and bade us follow. It was quiet going into camp, too quiet. I had my eyes and ears peeled, but as we entered the central area of the pride, there was no one.

No sign of the traitors or Dorothy.

Something wasn’t right.

I turned to Jake, “We need to get out of here, I think it’s a trap.”

He turned surprised eyes on me just as we heard a whooshing sound from the trees.

One by one the Lions fell around me with needles shot into their hides.

I screamed and ran to Jake, but his massive lion body was limp.

“Trouble, Mombi?”

The girlish voice had my nerves on end.

“Dorothy, where are the other lions?”

Her red lips stretched into a sickening smile, “Oh, they are lying about somewhere.”

“Why?” I bit off.

She blinked innocently, “Why not? After all, you were the one who brought me here. I thought I would deal with your little lion problem as a returned favor.”

“I didn’t bring you here!” I demanded, but a part of my gut twisted in fear.

“Didn’t you, dearest?” she mocked, “Several months ago, didn’t your emotions cause a tornado? And because you are one of the guardians, you threw it out of your realm. But Mombi, feelings can’t be brushed under the rug.”

“But how?” I choked.

“It was quite by accident. I spent a good deal of time whipping around the world. But of all the craziest notions, I was able to reverse the tornado and rode it all the way back to Oz.”

“But you cannot enter without a trustee letting you through,” I wailed.

“Your tornado was made from your emotions, Mombi. I didn’t need permission because it was a part of you. You let yourself back in, I just came along for the ride.”

“What do you want with us? I will do anything, just do not hurt the lions.”

She smirked, “I was hoping you would say that.”