“We need to formulate a plan,” I sat in my chair again behind the desk and tried not to think about what Jake and I had just been doing on its surface.

Eric shuddered, “This sounds like work.”

I turned to Jake, “He’s a winner.”

Eric scowled, “I’m right here! At least I didn’t run away from everything like a coward.”

The tension was thick in the air.

Jake stood up, “What did you just call me?”

Eric turned his head to the side, exposing the tender side of his neck in submission.

I stood as well, “How many of the pride have sided with Dorothy?

Jake was still glowering, so I walked to his side, sliding my hand into his. For a moment, he seemed to tense, and then I felt his body ease.

Eric didn’t meet our eyes, “Shelia, Francesca, Lauren, Stacy, and Patty have turned against us. For the men, Jeffery, Lincoln, Stephano and Blake.”

“That’s half the pride,” Jake’s hand tightened its grip on mine, “How could you let it get so bad?”

“It’s harder than it looks,” Eric grumbled.

“That’s what she said.”

It took me a minute to realize I had been the one to offer up the crass remark. The brother’s stared at me, although Jake had a distinct smirk on his face, Eric looked horrified.

I motioned with my hand for Jake to continue.

“So, you no longer wish to be King?” Jake said silkily.

I glanced up into his hardened face and wondered how much of his disappearance was to teach his brother a lesson.

“Fuck, no!” Eric’s face held distaste, “It was horrible. Everyone was mad about something, all of the fucking time. I thought it would be all pussy and living large, but all it seemed to be was one headache after another.”

“Classy,” I mumbled.

Eric shrugged, “I never asked you to like me.”

“No worries there, friend.”

Eric smiled at me, “Feeling is mutual, Princess.”

Jake ran a hand through his hair, “Where are the members of the pride that are on our side?”

Eric’s smile faded, “I wasn’t sure if we would be welcome, so they are waiting on the other side of the village.”

“Go, bring them here before they get bored and pillage my people.”

Jake’s lips twitched, “We aren’t pirates.”

I raised a brow, and the man was smart enough not to challenge me.

Eric stood to leave, he turned to me, and for a brief moment I thought he might be thanking me for housing the pride or offering to assist him.

But the man was thoroughly true to himself.

“So, about my dick,” he began.