Scarecrow knew the effect that he was having on me, and it only seemed to heighten the chemistry between us. He took a step up the stairs as if to come and get me.

And then I heard Prince Gregory’s voice, and I was immediately reminded that we were not alone.

Not only had I all but announced to my sister and royal butthead that I was thoroughly whipped, but Scarecrow looked just as dazed as I did.

“Well, well,” the amusement in Gregory’s voice grated on my nerves. “Isn’t this interesting.”


“You are looking muchimproved from the last time I saw you, Prince Gregory.” My voice syrupy sweet as Glinda pinched the inside of my elbow in warning.

Gregory’s eyes narrowed as a sour expression crossed his face, “You are looking remarkably the same.”

My smile widened, “It must have been your deluxe sleeping accommodations last night. Have you redone the stocks as well?”

Gregory looked ready to chop me into little pieces. “We could always send you out for some quality control testing? I wanted to see if the blade on the guillotine was sharp enough. You don’t mind, do you?”

Insufferable royal pain in the ass.

“Not a bit,” I cooed, fixing to hex him again.

“Well,” Glinda said overly bright, “It is nice to see our families getting along. It’s too bad my other sisters are not here as well.”

Gregory paled for the briefest of moments, “Isn’t it just?”

Scarecrow had been rather silent, but the light in his eyes told me that he was enjoying himself.

I could hardly take my gaze from his resplendent form. The man was made for evening clothes. You would never guess from his suave appearance that he preferred his beer from a bottle while shooting pool in the bar.

“Indy, I asked you a question!” Glinda’s annoyed tone shaking me from my musing.

“I do apologize,” turning to her I inquired, “What was it?”

She frowned at me, “Prince Gregory had said that you and Scarecrow arrived wanting some information. What were you looking for?”

I straightened immediately, “We are looking for the whereabouts of Dorothy. She is a deranged witch as far as I can tell. The woman seems to be little more than a girl. And yet she has performed the most heinous of crimes. I had news that she might have sought shelter in Sapphire City.”