My heart felt heavy, and I wanted to crawl under the bed and let out the massive ugly tears that were forming in my throat.
I was fooling myself to ever think that Scarecrow would ever love me the way that I loved him.
My silky bra appeared in front of me and wordlessly I took it from him.
I was about to slip it on having just pulled Scarecrow’s t-shirt when I was whirled around. My nipples, rubbing deliciously against his still naked chest.
“I didn’t think I had to tell him that I was hopelessly and irrevocably in love with you, Indy. Fuck, any fool that saw us together would see what a love-sick ass hat that I have turned into.”
I closed my eyes as the emotion overwhelmed me. Tears escaped down the sides of my face.
“Baby?” his concerned tone only released another flood of emotion. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
I swallowed a sob, “I'm just happy.”
“Shit woman,” he pulled me tightly against him, “If this is you happy I hate to see you sad.”
“I love you too,” I whispered, and he stilled.
I wondered after a long pause, that perhaps he hadn’t heard me.
But his darkened voice was gruff when he responded, “I know, baby. I know.”
The long ride to SapphireCity had given me some time to think. I didn’t like the distance that my sisters and I had allowed to come between us—especially with myself and El.
I vowed that once I got back to Munchkin Land, I was going to call them. Just because we had been separated by location didn’t mean we shouldn’t be just as close as we always had been.
Dorothy had also taken up a lot of my thoughts. I couldn’t understand the motives behind the violence. What did she hope to gain from all of this? It stood to reason that if I could just figure that out, I would be one step closer to finding her.
We didn’t get many visitors in Oz. And those of us that were born here never left. Some might say that is small minded thinking, but if you lived in wonderland, why would you ever leave?
Besides the fact that there were horrible fates that awaited travelers on every border. The Impassable Desert resided above Gillikin Country, my sister Mombi’s territory in the North. To the east of Munchkin Country was the Shifting Sands—nobody had ever made it out of there alive.
Underneath Quadling Country, where my youngest sister Glenda reigned, was the Great Sandy Waste. Beyond Winkle County to the west of El’s area, was the Deadly Desert.