Scarecrow’s eyes narrowed, “Getting a little big for your britches there, Little Girl, aren’t you?”
I giggled, “What are you going to do about it?”
He grabbed a pillow that had fallen to the floor and stripped the case off. Then, without a care in the world, he tore the silk into wide strips.
“You can’t just go around tearing up linens! What is your friend Steele going to say?”
“Steele can bite my ass,” Scarecrow stalked over to where I was laying on the bed. “Do you trust me?”
I nodded. Because deep down, I knew that he would never do anything that I wouldn’t want him to do.
“I want you to say red if anything I do becomes too much,” his eyes were locked on mine. “Do you understand?”
I nodded, but seeing his scowl, I promptly replied, “Yes, Sir.”
He took a length of silk and tied it around my wrist, checking to make sure that the knot wasn’t too tight, he tied the other end to the bedpost.
The silk caressed my skin, as he tied the other hand to the opposite post.
“I am going to blindfold you. I want your other senses to heighten, as you are without sight.”
He took the length of silk and wrapped it around my head, securing it with a knot.
“Is that too tight?”
“No, Sir,” I breathed, my pulse starting to gallop.
I heard him walking away and then a knock at the door. I almost cried out red at that moment. I didn’t want anyone other than Scarecrow to see me in such a vulnerable position.
But then I remembered his words, do you trust me?
Biting my lip to keep myself from ending things before they began, I waited as I heard someone moving what sounded like a tray around.
I felt humiliated and moved to cover myself, but the silk bit into my wrists.
The movement around me stopped, “Indy, what is it?”
I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.
“I know that you are upset,” he demanded, “Tell me.”
“I don’t want others to see me like this.”
He walked over to me, and I felt the bed sink where he sat next to me.
“Do you think that I share what is mine?”
“No, Sir,” the answer was immediate.
“Do you think that I want anyone to know what your perfect tits look like?”
I flushed, “No, Sir.”