Scarecrow carried meup the stairs, taking special care of my sore ass. Once he had brought me into his bedroom, he laid me gently on my stomach.
“Don’t move, Princess,”
I snuggled down into his sheets that smelled just like him. I didn’t think I could go anywhere even if I wanted to, and I certainly did not want to be anywhere but with him.
I heard him walk back into the room from the bathroom. My eyes were closed, and my mind was floating, somewhere off in Neverland.
I felt the bed sag as he sat down beside me, followed by the cooling sensation from the cream being gently rubbed into my smarting skin.
I cracked an eyelid, “What are you doing?”
His voice was gruff, “Aloe Vera cream, it has cooling and soothing properties that will help take the sting out of your ass.”
I loved having his hands on me and I loved him taking care of me. I knew I was in safe hands. The moment he gathered me into his arms, I snuggled up as tightly as one person could be beside another.
If I could have gotten inside of him, I would have. My mind was still muddled, but my heart felt free.
“Better?” he asked, kissing the top of my head as he held my body close to his.
I nodded, causing my lips to brush against his hot skin. He hissed, and if I hadn’t been so out of it, I would have laughed. But as it was, I allowed the sandman to pull me deeper and deeper into slumber.
“YOU CAN’T LEAVE YOURdamn panties on the bar, Indy!” Jake’s face was flushed three shades of red as he read Scarecrow and I the riot act.
“It is a good thing I come in early,” he continued to implore. “I can only imagine one of the regulars strapping on your bra and taking it for a test drive.”
I scowled.
I mean, I know I don’t have the biggest tits in the world, but I didn’t think that just anyone could fill out my size-c grey lingerie.
It took me a moment to realize that Scarecrow was no longer listening to Jake, but had become very interested in what I was doing. His eyes were dancing, and I saw a familiar quirk of his lips.
'What?' I mouthed, snatching my bra away from Jake indignantly.
“I don’t think the Princess quite gets the point,” Scarecrow could melt the panties off a nun.
“Why don’t you yell at the pretty boy?” I countered motioning over to where he was standing.
I tried throwing Jake off his game. I had listened to enough of this bullshit and I wanted to see Scarecrow in the hot seat for once.
“Oh, don’t even get me started about the stain on the pool table!” Jake moaned low in his throat, and it almost sounded animalistic.
It was this time that Scarecrow really did laugh. It was rich and decadent. He threw his head back, exposing his deeply tanned throat. His manly unshaven skin was making me want to lick every inch of that delectable body.
I cocked my head willing him to answer Jake.
“Spilled something,” Scarecrow replied deadpan.
His laughing eyes never left my face, and I felt my cheeks heat once again. Why did I even try?
“Shit,” Jake shook his head in exasperation.