“No, El, seriously, do not speak with Father. I can do this. I know I can.”

El watched me, her long wavy dark hair the exact replica of my own. “I don’t doubt your ability to rock this assignment, Indy. I do worry about your desire to do so. Why do you want to be tied to the kingdom? This is our chance to get away from all of this.”

We were as opposite as up and down, but I loved her dearly, and I knew that she loved me.

“I can’t explain it, El.”

She hugged me fiercely, and I knew that everything was going to be okay, “I love you, Indy. Father would be a fool not to pick you.”

And I had honestly felt the same way.

Up until about a week ago, when some chick named Dorothy tried to drop a house on me.

Who does that?

And did she really think that I wouldn’t see it coming and not get out of the way?

The Munchkins all cheered and told her some bullshit story about what a tyrant I was to them. Right—because forcing people to actually take care of themselves was tyranny.

I stayed in the shadows trying to assess just who had come into my territory. It didn’t take me long to get a good read on her. Apparently, Dorothy wanted Oz for herself. The first thing she demanded was to see my father. Those idiot Munchkins told her right where to find him.

I knew that my father would make short work of her. He's had many threats to the kingdom in the past, and Dorothy, honestly, didn’t look like much.

Her floppy brown hair in pigtails and an apron tied over her dress.

It was then that I noticed, in the confusion of the house dropping, I had lost my shoes.

Looking frantically for my Jimmy Choo’s, I didn’t even suspect that whore would snatch them up.

They didn’t even go with her outfit!

All of this aside, I was willing to let them go if she would just get the hell out of my territory.

But then Munchkin's started popping up dead. The heads barely still attached to their mangled necks. It was sickening, as if an animal had ripped them to shreds.

I couldn’t allow this to continue. And worse, I couldn’t ask for the help of my sisters because they all had their own worries. Besides, if I didn’t do this properly, my father could decide that I wasn’t fit to rule Oz.

So that left me with one choice—deal with the devil.

So, that is when I went searching for Scarecrow.

“You gonna hide in the doorway all night, Princess, or are you ready to get fucked?”

Shit—what have I done?