My father anointed Steele and wrapped El in his arms for a tight hug.
Then turning to Jake and Mombi, he said, “Jacob, King of Lions, you have learned that sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow.’ I knew your plight with my daughter and your pride. The courage that you showed, by allowing them each the time needed to grow into what they were meant to become, shows me that you are worthy to rule the Northlands. So, I hereby bequeath to you and Mombi the Pride Lands. Save it for your sons and daughters, protect it with your lives.
Mombi and Jake were each embraced before moving to stand next to El and Steele.
Next my father smiled upon Gregory and Glinda. “Gregory, you said to me, ‘I know I am not the wizard you were expecting, but I might be the wizard that you need.’ You, Gregory are not a wizard.”
There was a faint murmur of nervous laughter and my father smiled.
“But you are the man that my daughter needs. I give you permission to marry my youngest daughter Glinda. May you always be happy, and may all your dreams come true.”
It was finally my turn. My father’s green eyes so like my own alighted on my face. I felt emotion balling up in my throat.
“Scarecrow, my faithful servant, you shall be given the same gift that Steele has been given. For as long as you reside in Oz, you will age like a normal man. You will still retain the gifts and powers from your forefathers. However, I would like to give you a piece of advice. You have searched the world over looking for where you belong, these are my words for you; home is knowing. Knowing your mind, your heart, knowing your courage. If we know ourselves, we are always home, anywhere.”
Scarecrow nodded, “Yes, Your Majesty. I have finally come to grips with my past. I am at peace.” He wrapped an arm around my waist, “I am convinced that the only people worthy of consideration in this world are the unusual ones. For the common folks are like leaves on a tree, they live and die unnoticed.”
My father smiled, “And you, Scarecrow, are most definitely noticed.” He turned to the crowd assembled, “Bastinda of Oz, having won by honorable combat the right to succeed to the Throne. You have been given victory over the field for the greater honor of your people. We would welcome you as our successor to this Crown and Throne. Will you now swear fealty to the Kingdom and populace of Oz?”
I stood before the throng, my robes billowing out behind me, “Here do I swear by mouth and hands, fealty and protection to the Kingdom of Oz. I will uphold the laws of the Kingdom to speak and to be silent. I will do and to let be, strike and to spare, punish and to reward, in such matters as concern the Kingdom. In need or plenty, peace, or war, living or dying, until I depart from my Throne or death take me or the world end. So, say I, Bastinda of Oz.”
There was a great cry that rang through the crowd as my father placed my crown upon my head. It felt heavy, permanent, and right.
I couldn’t tell you what we ate at the royal dinner or whom I danced with at the coronation ball. I would later be told by my sisters that I had a wine stain on the bodice of my gown half the night. But even that wouldn’t deter from the amazingness of that day.
Our worlds were changing, each of us breaking off to go their own way, but I had finally learned that change was not necessarily bad. That if you shared love between you, no amount of time nor space could diminish it. Nothing was impossible if I just put my mind to it.
At the end of the night, Scarecrow carried me up the stairs to the newly appointed king and queen’s royal chambers. The past few weeks had been spent thoroughly renovating them so that they would be ready for this night.
He carried me over the threshold, set me on my feet, then sank to one knee.
My hands covered my mouth with surprise.
“Queen Bastinda,” he began, and I wrinkled my nose with distaste.
“No, Scarecrow, there is none of that between us.”
Scarecrow’s lips twitched, “Are you trying to tell me how to do this, Indy?”
Heat suffused my cheeks, “Of course not!”
“Then perhaps you will let me proceed because I wanted to tell you, how much I adore you. How proud I am of the woman that you have become, and to beg on bended knee for you to be my wife. To be the mother of my children and to be my love forever and always.”
A giant tear escaped my wet eyes, “Oh, Scarecrow!”
The left side of his mouth quirked up, “Is that a good ‘oh, Scarecrow?’ Or should I stop making a complete ass of myself?”
I launched myself into his arms, kissing every available inch of skin I could find.
“I love you, Scarecrow, I want to marry you. I adore you as well and want to be together forever and always.”
He kissed me hard on the mouth, “You forgot, become the mother of my children.”
I flushed once again, “That situation won’t need altering.”
He cocked his head to the side, an argument on the tip of his tongue when he seemed to make out what I was telling him.
“A baby?” he rasped.