“I brought her here,” her anguished words floated across the distance between us.
I shook my head, “No, Mombi, you didn’t. It was an accident.”
A tear slipped down her face, “I can’t thank you enough, Indy. It was you all along and I was too caught up in my own life to realize it.”
“You are my sister, and mate to the King of Lions,” I grinned, “You had enough on your plate.”
“What did she do to you?” Jake pulled Mombi closer into his broad chest.
Mombi winked at him and then shifted into the largest, fiercest lioness that I had ever seen.
The Lions roared again with their approval, and Jake turned to me, bowing in respect, and then shifted himself.
“El, can you get some monkeys to take the pride home?”
My sister raised her brow sassily, “Are you asking as my Queen or my sister?”
I rolled my eyes, “I am asking so that once these two-start going at it, we will be far away.”
She laughed as Glinda and Greggory gagged.
“Ride to the edge of Mount Munch,” she yelled to the pack. “The monkey’s will be waiting for you.”
Steele approached me, “I have been this monster my entire life, I don’t suppose there is anything you can do?”
I placed a hand on his arm, “The magic is old and different from what I am used to. I know that you and Scarecrow hold some of the same traits. And that he is also half unicorn, so we have that to deal with. I can’t promise you anything but know that I will move heaven and earth to find a way.”
“Did you ever think we would end up here?” Scarecrow wrapped his arm around my waist.
I sank into him, “No. But I have found that it’s not where you go, it’s who you meet along the way.”
He turned me around and gently tucked my hair behind my ear. It had thankfully gone back to normal. But the magic I felt brewing just under the surface of my skin, assured me that things would never be the same.
CHAPTER 54 - PART 5 – Indy
“Because of your greathonor and valor, I hereby proclaim my final act before ascending the crown. Steele, for as long as you reside in Oz, you will age like a normal man and you will still retain the powers and gifts of your forefathers. However, because of your great capacity to give of yourself, you will be a beacon to those that feel they are without heart. A heart is not judged by how much you love, but how much you are loved by others. I bequeath to you and El the ability to leave Oz if you should wish to. There is much good you could do in the world and I look forward to seeing what you make of it.”