“I like your place,” Scarecrow said as he sunk down into my dark leather sofa picking up a remote to surf through the channels.
Rolling my eyes, I went into my room to find something more acceptable to wear. A few moments later, I had changed into some ripped skinny jeans, a pink V-neck top, and a matching pink lace panty set.
I sprayed some of my favorite perfume so that I felt more like me then I went out into the living area.
Scarecrow had been watching some sports game, but he turned it off the moment I sat down in the overstuffed chair across him.
He sniffed the air as his eyes darkened, “You smell good.”
I tried not to blush, “Thank you,” I took a deep breath, “We need to get rid of Dorothy.”
His eyebrow raised, “You want to take her out?”
I blanched, “No! What? Why would you even suggest such a thing?”
Scarecrow shrugged his massive shoulders, “You said you wanted to get rid of her. And if what you think is really true, she is killing off your dependents.”
He did have a point. But I was not a murderer, “We can’t go killing everyone that we think is doing something wrong.”
Scarecrow smiled, “Indeed, or I would have been taken out long ago.”
I had a distinct impression that he was enjoying riling me up.
“Yes,” I said dryly, “It’s a pity.”
He threw his head back and laughed, “Princess, if I wasn’t around, who would give you those massive orgasms?”
I hated that he was right. “It’s not that great,” I mumbled.
His shit-eating grin was almost more than I could take. “Are you saying that you didn’t scream my name, over and over again, to fuck you harder, faster?”
I tried to cover my blush with my hands, “Can we please stick to the topic? How are we going to approach Dorothy?”
Scarecrow thought for a moment, “Where was she last seen?”
“The last murder was off Juniper street. The butcher said that he had never seen anything like it.”
“That’s not far from Gilcrease Cove. I would bet that they're headed towards Gillikin County,” He mused.
I beamed, “That would be perfect! Then it would be my sister Mombi’s problem!”
He frowned, and I immediately backtracked, “Not that I would make my sister deal with my problems.”
He smiled knowingly, “You are all heart, Indy, aren’t you?”
I threw a pillow at him, scowling when he easily caught it.
“Bastard,” I grumbled.
Scarecrow smiled, “Come on now, Princess, let’s go have a talk with your sister.”
MY OLDER SISTER MOMBIruled the northern territory, Gillikin County. Beyond her lands lay the Impassable Dessert.
Mombi was the oldest of us girls. She mostly kept to herself, claiming that we were crazy bitches.
She wasn’t exactly wrong about that.