I felt more swelling in my throat, "I want that too."

And then I thought for a moment, "I thought that unicorns had to eat the silver apples to have eternal life?"

He threw his head back and almost dislodged me, "That is what they tell people, but in truth, the apples are nasty to taste and only look pretty. The Unicorners enjoy when mortals steal the fruit and get sick from it."

"Bastards!" I snorted.

He laughed more, "I am not arguing with you there."

CHAPTER 50 - PART 5 – Indy

We flew over the Unicornersland without having to dodge any arrows or bullets. Steele pouted the entire time the monkey’s carried him. I tried not to laugh, but El wasn’t as kind.

“No good deed goes unpunished, Tin Man!”

He shot her an obscene gesture, she blew him a kiss.

“I feel as if they are pulling me apart!” Steele grumbled as he shook his arms and legs dramatically.

Scarecrow snorted, “When we land we can gather your legs and chest and put you back together again.”

Steele’s mouth flattened into a straight line, “You are hilarious.”

“I wouldn’t want them to knock the stuffing out of you,” El flew close to him.

“Don’t start!” he pouted, but it was just then that I saw Mount Munch.

“We're there,” I called out, “We’ve got to find Dorothy!”

Mount Munch was straight up, and we seemed to be somewhere near the middle of it. Up, up, and up some more we flew, trying to find the top. But it seemed the higher we flew, the more that mountain grew.

The air was feeling thin, and we were high above the clouds when I saw the top.

We approached the precipice and gently landed on the firm ground. It was terrifying to look over the edge and see nothing but clouds and blue sky. It gave one a feeling of being upside down because no matter where you looked, it was all the same.

There was a lot of foliage on the top of the mountain, which surprised me. A forest lay to the right and crops were being grown by the inhabitants of Mount Munch to the right. A few Hyups approached before bowing low.