But most of all, I hated that I hadn’t listened to him all those months ago.
I hated that I almost threw this all away.
He released my hands and flipped up so that I was on top of him. I sank my fingers into his silvery strands, relishing the soft touch against my skin.
Our kiss was as much a battle as any part of our relationship. He plundered my mouth, taking no prisoners, and I sucked his tongue giving him a glimpse of just what I was capable of.
“Give me a chance,” he pleaded between kisses, “I swear I will not disappoint you.”
I kissed his eyes, cheeks, and forehead, “You idiot man!”
He smiled, “Love words?”
I sucked on the soft part of his earlobe before biting it gently.
“You should have trusted me with the truth,” I admonished.
He stilled, “I know.”
I licked his Adam’s apple, “I still wanted you, when I thought you were a bloodsucker, do you honestly think that being a bloodthirsty monster would scare me off?”
He barked out a laugh, “Maybe some other girl, but not you, El. I should have known.”
I cradled his face in my hands, “I am serious, Steele. I don’t care about your past, other than wanting to slice up your parents into little pieces.”
His eyes darkened, “And they call me a monster?”
I laughed, suddenly feeling that all was right with the world, “Well, they say that I am wicked, and I’ve never put too much store into that. So, I say, to hell with what anyone else thinks. It only matters what we think.”
Steele gripped my hips, “And what do you think?”
I pulled my nightgown over the top of my head.
“Fuck, El!”
“I think that the man I love needs to fuck me before I take care of business myself.”