They are fiercely protective of the tree and do not like intruders.
“With the money’s we could fly over them,” I tried to make it sound enticing.
“And their blue Dwarves would shoot us down,” Indy bit her lip.
“They are greedy bastards,” Scarecrow tightened his grip on Indy, “But they are vain, and love jewels and shiny things.”
“The Nome’s!”
CHAPTER 43 - PART 4 – Elphaba
Tossing onto my back, I wanted to curse the Sandman, Bed Fairy, and anyone else that could be blamed for my lack of sleep.
We had spent most of the evening devising a plan. Tomorrow, Steele and I would be going deep into the earth to try and convince the Winkie’s to give up part of their treasure. Not only would we have to get past all of their booby traps, which Nome’s were notorious for, but Steele was going to have to charm them in the process.
This has disaster written all over it.
“Are you going to stop huffing and puffing?” An amused voice cut through the darkness, “You sound like the big bad wolf.”
“Breaking and entering part of your new repertoire?” I asked sweetly.
“I sleepwalk,” Steele replied deadpan.
“Right, and there is no way you could be stalking me, is there?”
I caught sight of him at the foot of my bed.
His lips twitched in the moonlight, “That would be creepy.”
“Not to mention starting a new training program as a peeping Tom.”
His eyes raked over me, and suddenly I wished I had on more than a thin silk nightgown.