Blast that stupid man, Steele. My monkeys had deposited him in the dungeon, and then I sent them back to their dreary lives.

I knew that Glinda disliked me ‘borrowing’ individuals, but sometimes it was necessary.

“Your Majesty?”

Cassie my right-hand gal looked to be frazzled.

“What is it, Cass?”

“It is the prisoner, Your Majesty.”

Rolling my eyes, I tried to contain my anger. What in the hell did he need now?

“Never fear, Cass, I will take care of it.”

Her small cherub face brightened considerably,

“And Cass, please call me El,” we had been over this a hundred times, but the small Pixie insisted on formal terms.

“I couldn’t!” she squeaked, and a puff of purple smoke came out of her ears, showing her embarrassment.

Taking pity on her, I turned to go and see my very special guest.

When I arrived in the dungeon there appeared to be a party going on. The guards were all chatting, and the door to the cell was open.

I felt fire race up my hands, “What in the hell is going on here?” I bellowed.

Steele waltzed around the corner of the door—whistling.

“Looks like your minions are not immune to vampire persuasion,” he grinned as his silver hair glinted in the light.

My stomach clenched as I watched his handsome face try and cover a smile.


“Well played,” I kept an even tone. “And they aren’t minions. They are paid employees.”

Steele grinned, “Of course, they are. Just as the monkeys were earlier? What did you say? Oh, yes, paid employees.”

I hated this man.

“What is your point, Tin Man?”

He was on me in a flash. His body, pressing mine against the damp coolness of the stone dungeon walls.

“What part of me seems to be made of Tin, El?” he breathed against my neck and I couldn’t stop the shiver of pleasure that raced through me.

Damn him! I knew what part happened to feel as hard as a rock against my stomach.

“Get your hands off of me,” I seethed.

His cool lips brushed the tender folds of my ear, “Not a chance, El.”

“Erm, Your Majesty, are you quite alright?”

I looked to the side to see little Cass prepared to try and do damage if necessary. She really was adorable.

“I have everything under control, Cass.”