This time his thrust sent a zing of pleasure up my spine.
I lifted my hips and met his thrust.
“Shit,” he moaned as my pussy clenched around him.
That felt good.
I grabbed his ass again, trying to find the right rhythm and once we had it, all of the discomforts washed away.
I felt every ridge and bump of his massive cock as it slammed into me. I squeezed his ass cheeks grinding my pussy against his dick. His movements became disjointed, he was thrusting now for all he was worth, and I hung in there for every last pump of his hips.
My eyes rolled back, and my body contracted as my orgasm washed over me. Gregory called out my name and emptied himself inside of my pulsing core.
It was glorious and messy. I had never imagined that I would be so sweaty or sedated.
It wasn’t until I was nestled underneath his arm with my head on his chest that I realized.
“Gregory, we didn’t use a condom! What if I get pregnant?”
His arms tightened around me, “Then, I hope it is a girl, with your eyes.”
My heart tightened, “I love you,” the whispered words covered us like a blanket.
“I love you, more,” he replied huskily, kissing the top of my head.
CHAPTER 38 - PART 3 – Glinda
It wasn’t the bestnight's sleep that I had ever had. The rain started sometime past midnight, pounding on the old tin roof. And the blanket we had on the bed was not sufficient to keep us warm.
These issues notwithstanding, sharing a single bed with a large man was a distinct challenge. If it hadn’t of been so cold, I might have laid straight on the floor.
And to make matters worse, Gregory slept through all of it. With a gentle snore and an angelic face, he found the rest that I had desperately been searching for.
“Umm,” he murmured, pulling my body on top of his. “Good morning, Princess.”
I was stiff as a board, “No, there is nothing good about this day.”